Exclusive with Former Steelers Running Back Richard Bell, 1990


First, congratulations on the appoint to Chief of Police in West Covina.  How did you get involved in law enforcement?

Well it’s a long but good story. I met Darryl Strawberry when I was playing in Pittsburgh and he was in town for a game- it turned out his grandmother and my wife’s grandmother were sisters. Meeting him was kind of a big deal to me. When I was finished in Pittsburgh after the ’90 season I ended up going to church with Darryl’s brother, who was a police officer.

I was always interested in becoming a police officer so I  asked him how he get started in the process, and he got me in contact with the folks in Los Angeles that he knew on the force. I got through everything in the process to becoming an officer there but I failed the medical – and that disqualified me from becoming an officer.

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Exclusive with Former Steelers Safety Bill Butler, 1961


First,  what have you been doing since your time in the NFL?

Basically, after I retired from the NFL, I opened an automobile agency in Milwaukee for 17 years then coached high school and track for 12 years. I ended up coaching two state football championships and one track championship.

Did you mold your coaching style after anyone you played for?

Nobody really – I didn’t follow anybody’s coaching style, so to speak. I did it the way I wanted to. Remember, I was drafted by Green Bay and played for Lombardi who was a great offensive mind. Then I went to Dallas and played for Tom Landry who was the founder of the 4-3 defense. In Pittsburgh, Buddy Parker was at the end of his coaching career – he was a heavy drinker. But Layne, John Henry Johnson, Buddy Dial, Mike Henry… it was a good group of sharp guys so I was able to learn a little form them too.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Safety Bill Butler, 1961”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Tight End Adrian Cooper, 1991-1993


First, let me know a little bit about your post-NFL life these days..

Now, I’m pretty much retired. I’m following my kids around – I have three girls who are all in college. One plays basketball at Providence and I follow her career and try to see as many games as possible.

How hard was that post-NFL adjustment for you?

Well, post football, it was pretty much all over the place. I had my ups and downs, some legal issues as you may know. Pat Hodgson, my tight ends coach in Pittsburgh, he said that we should prepare for the rest of our lives after football. After playing most don’t make as much money as they did when they played. And he was right – some did, and some didn’t.

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Exclusive with Former Steeler Running Back Cameron Stingily, 2015-2016


First, can you let me know what you’re doing with yourself now since you retired from the NFL?

Well, I’m working now at my former high school – DeKalb and working to get my Masters in Sports Management. I may go back to school to become a high school administrator as well though, I really enjoy working with kids.

You also coached some?

I volunteered at DeKalb to help coach football there. I might become full staff next year but I don’t know if I want to go back fully into sports again – I’m not sure if I’m ready yet,

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steeler Running Back Cameron Stingily, 2015-2016”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Defensive Back Clancy Oliver, 1969-1970


First, can you let me know what you’ve been doing since your time playing football?

It’s been like three lifetimes since I played! After football I went back to San Diego State and got my degree and worked in the life insurance business for a few years. I changed careers after that – got my degree in engineering and then went on to work for Northrop then other aerospace companies.  There were a lot of those jobs in California then.

But I quit that and went into real estate – got my brokers license and did that for a few years before I went back, got my masters and went into teaching. I taught seventh and eight graders in Orange County for 10 years or so until I retired.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Defensive Back Clancy Oliver, 1969-1970”


Exclusive with Former Steelers LB Arnold Harrison, 2005-2009


First, can you let me know what you’ve been doing since your time in the NFL?

Well, I’m the GM now at Nalley Cars Toyota, here in Georgia. I’m a legacy – my father was in the business pre-dating me. I walked into the business and started from the ground up – from sales to becoming GM. I hit the ground running.

I’m a father of two kids and have a wonderful wife. I also still try to spend time with youth – to talk to them about their futures through youth football here. I coach a little and try to help use football as a platform for showing them what in life can be great for them.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers LB Arnold Harrison, 2005-2009”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Jerry Simmons, 1965-1966


First, tell me a bit about what you’ve done since your time in the NFL.

Well, during my time playing football, I worked at Hyatt Hotels. I worked for them in the offseason learning the tricks of the trade.  When I retired they made me a GM, since I had experience already. I helped open up other hotels and traveled around the country.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Jerry Simmons, 1965-1966”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Tight End Rich Kotite (1968) and NFL Head Coach


First, can you tell us how you got into coaching and some of the guys that influenced you as a coach?

I was fortunate to have played and coached for a lot of great coaches. Of course, football was  a lot different then.

As an assistant coach, I was always involved in a lot of different things. But, I always watched how the head coach did things – how they handled things. I learned a lot that way – watching Hank Stram, Sam Rutilgliano and Buddy Ryan.

How were those guys to coach for?

Buddy was unique. His focus was on defense but I still learned some things from him. When I became head coach, I learned more things came into play. It’s not about just X’s and O’s. The players are people with their own problems and a lot of the things that came across my desk then had nothing to do with playing football. So learning how to handle those things was important. I’m thankful to all of the coaches that helped me with that.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Tight End Rich Kotite (1968) and NFL Head Coach”


Exclusive with Steelers Offensive Tackle Ulish Booker, 2005-2008


First, can you let us know what you’ve been doing since you retired form the NFL?

Since I retired I started a couple of businesses. I’ve been working in the community and focusing on mentoring. Just different ways to advance the community. I’m working on a couple of initiatives and information on those is forthcoming. I’ll let the public know soon – these will be endeavors that will help people all-around.

Was the post-NFL adjustment difficult for you? 

It wasn’t that hard for me. Just getting used to things – throttling down the every day rigor of professional football. Thankfully I had a strong family unit that helped me stay grounded. So it wasn’t a major adjustment. The financial difference was big obviously. Not getting that weekly NFL paycheck. But other than that it was ok.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Offensive Tackle Ulish Booker, 2005-2008”


Exclusive: Steelers Punter Corliss Waitman


First, how is the offseason going – what are you working on?

I’m training here in Alabama with my kicking coach – he trains a lot of NFL guys. I’m just trying to get better and work on improving my craft.

Did the coaches talk to you – not sure if you had an exit interview but did you get any direction on what you need to address most?

I just want to improve everything I can. I’m a young guy – I haven’t played in an NFL game yet – not even a preseason game. Boswell, Canaday, Jordan – I’m just watching them and absorbing all I can from them on how to prepare. I can improve in every part of my game – I have a lot of room to grow.

Continue reading “Exclusive: Steelers Punter Corliss Waitman”
