Exclusive with Former Steelers Cameraman/Producer Peter Gergely, 2001-2007


First, can you let me know what you’re doing now with the Yankees?

Well,  I’ve been with the Yankees for 13 years now. My role has evolved – before Twitter, Facebook and Instagram all started kicking in I was doing post-production work for the website – not gameday stuff like when I was with the Steelers.

With social media so big we now moved most of our content to social media – we have two million followers on Facebook alone – that’s more eyes than on tv most of the time. But they asked me right before Covid to revamp the content for the scoreboard. I was just starting to do that when of course Covid hit. So now I’m not certain what my role will be. I’ve done some of that work, working with players to to create content via Zoom and other video applications, but a lot depends now on when we come back.

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Exclusive with Former Steelers Offensive Line Coach Bill Meyers, 1984


First, let me know what you’ve been doing since your time coaching?

I’m actually retired now. I’m still dabbling a bit in coaching – I spent a couple of years working with a fellow who started up a program called Your Play, where fans call plays for teams. We practiced at Jacksonville’s facilities and had guys there that were just on the cusp of playing in the NFL. We had two teams and we had them play four games and tested it out. It was a great experience. We’d have three play options for every situation and the fans would vote on either the coach’s choice or their own. It was a 45-second play clock and they had 10 seconds to vote. The winning vote was the play that got called.

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Exclusive with former Steelers Running Back Warren Williams, 1988-1992


First, can you let me know what you’re doing with yourself since your time in the NFL?

Well, nothing now. I’m in Fort Myers, Florida and am retired now. I’ve had health issues – headaches and memory issues from my concussions in football. I was also diagnosed with diabetes. So I’ve had health issues on and off.

Has the NFL helped at all with the health concerns?

The NFL has been doing a great job helping, yes.

Continue reading “Exclusive with former Steelers Running Back Warren Williams, 1988-1992”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Punter Brad Wing, 2014


First, tell me a bit about what you’re doing with yourself now – what are the next steps for you?

Well, football-wise, I’m staying ready, staying in shape in case I get the phone rings. Even when I was with the AAF in Memphis, I was just staying ready.  That’s all you can do is stay ready until a team hopefully asks you to come in.

I have other things going on too. I have a couple of business ventures with friends, but it’s a little early to talk about those right now.

How hard is it, waiting and just staying ready in hopes for that next call?

It is difficult. It’s something you don’t – you cant plan for. It’s tough not being in that routine of OTAs, camp, then the season. Now I have to have my own programs to stay ready and in shape. It’s different in that regard. There’s no shortage of motivation that’s for sure. But it is frustrating.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Punter Brad Wing, 2014”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Justin Brown, 2013-2014


First, let me know about your post-NFL career and how you got started?

Well as you know, coming up with an athletic background from a young age, you fall into that athletic identity. I did that myself – you attach your identity to the sport. I leaned on that for stability – that was my safe haven. It carried me through high school, Penn State, Oklahoma and through to the Steelers.

I remember – my second year I was training with Antonio Brown and we were at his house. His chef prepared us dinner and we were talking, when out of nowhere he asked me “Justin, who are you?” It caught me off guard. I told him I was a football player. He said “No you’re not – you’re more than that. Don’t let the game do that to you.”

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Justin Brown, 2013-2014”


Exclusive with Former Steelers wide Receiver Ed Bernet, 1955


First, let me know what you’ve been doing for all of these years since you played in the NFL?

Well, I’ve been in the music and entertainment business for most of my life here in Dallas. I play the banjo and sing DixieLand and country music  – been doing that since high school and my days at SMU.

After my season in Pittsburgh in 1955, I tried to play for a few more years after I went to the service, then came back to Dallas and worked on some homebuilding business. I got married in ’62 – been married now for over 58 years. After that I was able to open up a music venue called the Levee here in Dallas – it was a very popular spot for years. I played the banjo and we had a group – the Levee Singers – and we played every night.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers wide Receiver Ed Bernet, 1955”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Kick Returner Allen Rossum, 2007


First, can you let me know what you’ve been doing with yourself since your time in the NFL?

Yeah I’ve been doing a couple of things work-wise. I have a commercial construction company – the Rossum Group – and we work a lot with the Department of Transportation and the City of Atlanta and state municipalities in Georgia working on everything from libraries to roadwork.

I’m also part of a group that owns apartment complexes in the United States – about 20,00 to 30,000 units across the country. That was formed in 2014 with two good friends, one of who recently passed away.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Kick Returner Allen Rossum, 2007”


Exclusive with Steelers Defensive Lineman Keith Gary, 1983-1988


First, can you let me know what you’ve been doing since your time in the NFL?

Well, I’m retired now. In’ ’89 I hurt my knee in training camp and I couldn’t come back from it. I anticipated catching on with another team after the Steelers released me but that didn’t work out, so I walked away from the game.

After that I took it easy. I was young and financially comfortable. I just took it easy and golfed, traveled, and spent time with friends and family. In my late 30’s I had a son, so I got to be a stay-at-home dad for the first eight years or so. I really enjoyed that – I was able to nurture that relationship with my son.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Defensive Lineman Keith Gary, 1983-1988”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Cornerback Bob Wade, 1968


First, can you let me know what you’ve been up to since your time coaching and playing?

Well, I’ve been retired for six years or so now – since 2015. I was the Supervisor of Athletics for Baltimore City Public Schools up until then.  Since then my wife and I have been traveling a lot – at least before the pandemic. We went to South Africa most recently.

I still do some consulting for local schools to help them with their athletic programs  and spend time with my family. That’s about it though now.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Cornerback Bob Wade, 1968”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Tight End Ralph Britt, 1987


First, can you let us know what you’ve been doing with yourself since your time playing football?

Well, I went back to NC State and got my Masters in Agriculture. I grew up on a farm – that was always a passion for me. I worked for an agriculture company, got married and had two kids.

I expanded my family, got into some real estate as well. Those were my biggest things!

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Tight End Ralph Britt, 1987”
