First, can you let readers know about your legal career – how you got started and how you began as well as an NFL legal intern?
Well I got hurt early in my career – my third or fourth game – I can’t remember – probably blocked it out. I tore my knee up – had nerve and ligament damage and couldn’t play again.
I was in rehab – and had surgeries to get it fixed and realized I couldn’t play again. I was planning on going to law school – I talked to Marvin Lewis, Cowher, and Mr. Rooney about my next steps, and Mr. Rooney – I guess he liked me enough. He thought I was a smart guy and offered me a position in the front office. They still owed me money so he offered to pay me a little more to work for them and go to law school at night at Duquesne. They were very involved I think then with Duquesne University.
Well, I wanted to stay in football, and I was probably a little depressed at the time, on reflection. I didn’t want to stay in Pittsburgh – it was all ‘t.still too raw. I was twenty-three, maybe twenty-four at the time. I still wanted to play, but obviously I couldn’t.
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