Exclusive with Steelers Tight End Mitch Lyons, 1997-1999


First – can you let us know what you’re doing with yourself now since your time in the NFL?’

I’m in Rockford, Michigan, north of Grand Rapids. I own a financial services company. I’ve been in financial services since I got out of football in 2000 and I started my own company in 2010.

I have a blended family – six kids, all out of K-12 except my youngest, who’s six years old.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Tight End Mitch Lyons, 1997-1999”


Exclusive with Steelers WR/KR Andre Coleman, 1997-1998


First, tell me a bit about your coaching work at Kansas State. How did you get started there?

Yeah I’m coaching at Kansas State – I’m the Passing Game Coordinator. A former teammate of mine became the head coach there and gave me an opportunity to coach there. I wanted to be able to help change lives. I wanted to be an inspiration to young guys – to help them avoid the mistakes I made as a young man.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers WR/KR Andre Coleman, 1997-1998”


Exclusive with Steelers S/Coach Tony Dungy, 1977-1978, 1981-1983,


First, tell me a bit about how you got into broadcasting – was that something you always had an interest in as a post-NFL career?

It wasn’t something I was thinking about at all really. When I coached I didn’t have a TV or radio show. I was just looking at the team and helping the team. I had no thoughts about broadcasting.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers S/Coach Tony Dungy, 1977-1978, 1981-1983,”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Safety Chris Hope, 2002-2005


First, can you let readers know what you are doing with yourself since your time in the NFL?

Oh I’ve been a full-time dad now since the NFL. It’s been more difficult than being a full-time athlete! There’s always something to do.

I also stay involved with the Titans, doing alumni appearances. And I stay connected to the business world through my relationships I made in the NFL. Really, I’m just enjoying life.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Safety Chris Hope, 2002-2005”


Exclusive with Larry Griffin, Steelers Safety, 1987-1993


First, tell us how you got to become the Director of HR for the Carolina Panthers – what drove you in that direction?

When I left the Steelers I went to work for Duke Energy in Charlotte, North Carolina. I wanted to be in corporate. I started in government affairs and then moved to the services department. Something then hit me – why not HR? I had my degree in Labor Relations. I told my boss – the VP of Government Affairs that. He talked with the head of the department and I moved there and had been at Duke for seventeen years.

I was ready for a change though when I got an email from the NFLPA about a job opening at the Panthers. I submitted my resume and got selected for the job.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Larry Griffin, Steelers Safety, 1987-1993”


Exclusive with Steelers Punter Josh Miller, 1996-2003


First, can you let readers know about how you got started in your broadcasting career?

During my kicking days in Pittsburgh I would do a radio show. When I went to New England they had me do a radio show there too. I thought, outside of times like when you have your hand on a Bible in the courtroom, how many times do you get where people have to listen you!

I fell in love with sports in general. Hockey, everything. There was a common thread across all sports in the people’s stories that play them. I learned not to say “I know because I played.” I did it once and hated how it sounded. After a while I was able to forget that I played.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Punter Josh Miller, 1996-2003”


Exclusive with Former Steelers OT Tony Hills., 2008-2010


First, you recently retired from the NFL. What are you doing with yourself now?

I’ve started a non-profit – Above the Hills.  I’m providing young children of color history and education about life outside the United States. I’m trying to help them make the right choices. They come from tough backgrounds and I’m trying to show them that they don’t have to be a product of the environment they are raised in. They can be the product of the choices they make, Not their environment.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers OT Tony Hills., 2008-2010”


Exclusive with Doug Whaley, Steelers Director of Personnel, 1999-2010


First, tell us a bit about your new venture?

I’m working with a data company called Impellia. It’s actually a suite of platforms which makes it unique to help with injury prevention, sports performance, and the rehabilitation process for players. A lot of data companies are just one platform that regurgitates information. I chose to work with Impellia because it is different for two reasons. First, you can incorporate every platform you use and integrate them all into it. That allows you to get historical data. The second is its fully customizable. Instead of us dictating the information, you can make it what you want it to be to search for what you need to look for.

And the people. Rick, Charlie, and Dave – that’s a great cast of minds to join!

Continue reading “Exclusive with Doug Whaley, Steelers Director of Personnel, 1999-2010”


Exclusive with Steelers Running Back Steve Avery, 1993-1995


First, can you let us know what you’ve been doing with yourself since the NFL and how hard the post-NFL adjustment was for you?

I’m the owner of an investment practice. I’ve been in the financial services industry for seventeen years. Now, I provide retirement planning and investment  services.

The adjustment,…it wasn’t an illustrious career – but I fulfilled a childhood dream. I was a bubble guy – not a superstar. It was a childhood dream but it comes to an end.  It was difficult at first – difficult to figure out what I should do for the rest of my life. You get used to everyone taking care of you and then that dries up. That was a difficult adjustment. Then I got challenged financially, trying to keep up after the other guys.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Running Back Steve Avery, 1993-1995”


Exclusive with Aaron Smith, Steelers Defensive Lineman, 1999-2011


First, tell me about your new career s a coach – what made you decide to become a coach?

I enjoy it – sports has been such a large part of my life. It shaped who I am today. That’s why I wanted to do it. It’s been great. When I retired I helped the basketball coach at Eaton and then  the football coach asked me to help them. It’s a dream come true to be able to coach both sports.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Aaron Smith, Steelers Defensive Lineman, 1999-2011”
