Exclusive with Steelers Offensive Lineman Jerald Hawkins


First, how has the offseason and OTA’s gone for you post-injury?

The off-season has gone well. I’m pretty excited to be back to football activities. I’m honestly still in shape even after a year off, believe it or not,  and working with one good leg. I’m trusting my leg again and feeling good.

Anything specific you’re working on to claim that right tackle spot?

Honestly, I’m just keeping on doing what I’ve been doing since I got to the point that I started there. I haven’t had the best of luck with injuries but I’m good now. I know my work ethic is good and I’m excited to compete again for the starting job.

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Exclusive with Steelers S Mike Wagner, 1971-1980


First, can you let us know what you’ve been doing with yourself since your NFL days?

Well, I retired from my day-to-day job recently. I don’t go to work any more.  When I left football I went into the business world in Pittsburgh but the decline of the steel industry hurt. I then went into the finance and investment and private equity business and real estate as well. When I look back and see my history, I worked for about six or seven companies and it was quite an experience. I was able to pay the bills and retire, so I’m very happy with it.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers S Mike Wagner, 1971-1980”


Exclusive with Steelers Tight End Jay Riemiersma, 2003-2004


First, can you let me know what you’ve been doing with yourself since your time in the NFL?

I’m working for a non-profit – the Family Research Council. It’s based in Washington, DC but I work and live in my hometown of Holland, Michigan. Im the Senior Director of Development, which in the corporate world would mean the manager of sales, but in the non-profit world it means doing the nasty work like fundraising.

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Exclusive with Steelers Linebacker Sutton Smith


First, has it all sunk in yet?

I’m sure it will in a little bit when I get there and start practicing. It’s a new opportunity for me – a new path – and I’m ready for it.

Were you aware the Steelers had interest in you before they drafted you?

My agent talked with them t be honest – I know they liked me from what he told me but he was the one talking to them. The only time I talked with anyone from the Steelers organization was at the Senior Bowl – and I talked to everybody there from the head coach to the GM. I spoke to the whole operating staff. You know what they say – it’s like speed-dating. You go around and meet all of the teams.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Linebacker Sutton Smith”


Exclusive with Steelers Fullback Rosie Nix


First, how did the Rosie Nix Foundation start – what made you decide to launch that this year.?

Well, I started it officially this year. I’ve been putting on camps for the past two years – this will be our third year. I always tried to give back – I felt the need to do that. I understand the need people have for that kind of help and support.

I really felt it was ready to go this year and be official. The sponsors wanted to be able to help out more and told us we should go bigger. So we went legal – started up the 5013C. Like I said we’ve been putting on the camp already for a couple of years so we filed the paperwork and are ready to go.

It’s Columbus-based – it’s an opportunity for me to give back and use this platform to show why it’s important to give back to people.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Fullback Rosie Nix”


Exclusive with Steelers Youth Coordinator Joe Lofton


First, congratulations on the new role with the Steelers. How did you get started as the Steelers new Youth Football Coordinator?

Well, it kinda fell into my lap. You realize sometimes that things are often about timing. The position opened up at the same time that my PR internship wrapped up with the Steelers. I had a good reputation in the organization and had ben there for over five years.

My first three years I was actually working on the youth camps and marketing, then worked in PR after I was recommended for the internship. When I started working there I just wanted to take off and succeed in the organization.

Now as the Youth Program Coordinator it’s a perfect match. I played at Woodland Hills and college at Tiffin University. I’m actually just wrapping up playing for the West Virginia Roughriders team. This isn’t just a job for me. It’s a passion – an ideal position for me.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Youth Coordinator Joe Lofton”


Exclusive with Steelers Punter Ian Berryman


First – how’s it going so far – how has the adjustment been going?

It’s been pretty easy so far. The main thing is the speed of the game – everyone is bigger, stronger, and faster. The  biggest difference is that the long snappers – they are so much more accurate. There’s no casual stray snap like you find sometimes in college.

The guys -= Chris, Jordan – they’ve been really helpful. in me getting acclimated to the level.

How much do you appreciate a guy like Jordan helping you out even as you compete for his job? 

I really appreciate it. Jordan’s been great – he’s really helped show me how to be a professional player – what to expect at the pro level. He’s helped me understand what Danny Smith wants in certain situations and what happens on the field. He’s been a true professional.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Punter Ian Berryman”


Exclusive with Steelers Wide Receiver Diontae Johnson


First, how’s everything going so far – what’s been going well for you specifically?

It’s been going pretty good so far. I’m getting adjusted – learning the playbook so they know they can start counting on me and know I know what I’m doing when I’m on the field. The playbook is the biggest priority – getting that down and my connection with Big Ben.

Getting to work with him has been great -I  watching him rowing up –   just getting used to that.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Wide Receiver Diontae Johnson”


Exclusive with Steelers Tight End Zach Gentry


First, how’s it going so far – what’s been the biggest adjustment so far?

It’s been going well so far. I can’t believe we’re already past week three. It’s crazy. Like everyone says, it’s really the speed of the game that stands out. Across the board, everyone is faster and quicker.

Is the playbook similar to what you had in Michigan?

I’m fortunate in that Michigan had a very complex playbook under Coach Harbaugh. It’s made adjusting to the NFL playbook a bit easier. The biggest issue is learning the terminology – it’s not the same of course so you have to figure that out. But it’s not as tough as it could have been due to what I had in Michigan.

The quick turnaround makes it harder too. Just the time to learn the playbook. You hit the ground running at rookie camp., have a week off, then OTAs. So just having to learn so quickly – that’s an adjustment too.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Tight End Zach Gentry”


Exclusive with Steelers Running Back Benny Snell, Jr.


First, can you let us know how camp has been going so far?

It’s been going pretty good so far. The environment is cool. The vets have been helping me a lot and treating me like a little brother.

Right now, the big learning curve is just adjusting to how fast things are going. It’s much faster than college. It’s tougher to get adjusted. But I can see it getting better already.

Who are the vets that have been helping you, and how?

The main guys have been James Conner and JaySam a little bit. It’s just really critiquing my reps. Helping me out with tips. Honestly, the big thing – the big adjustment is about just getting comfortable. Not overthinking things. Just playing football like I’m used to playing it.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Running Back Benny Snell, Jr.”
