Congratulations to Troy Polamalu for Being Elected into the NFL Hall of Fame


Russell Stuvaints: “Troy Polamalu always wore these reggae shirts. We didn’t know who those guys on his shirts were. One day he wore one with Peter Tosh on it – we didn’t know who he was but it was a picture of a small guy with dreadlocks. We called Troy Peter Tush because of that one.”

Ike Taylor: “Troy was great- he was Michael Jackson and we were the Jackson 5. We were the other guys and figured to get some fame too. But he didn’t want the fame. When you see that, you fall back.”

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Exclusive with Former Steelers Cornerback Ike Taylor, 2003-2014


First, can you let mw know a little about what you’ve been doing with yourself since you retired?

Well, I coached my son in Orlando – his team was the West Orange Bobcats and we were in the semi-finals. I’m also coaching and training athletes here in Orlando, as well as doing some TV and radio with Bmac and other guys. Staying busy man.

Speaking of coaching – who were some of the guys that influenced you as a coach and player – and how did they do so?

Dicky. That’s what we called Dick LeBeau. He didn’t have to say much. He was so well-respected and had such a calm manner. Whenever he spoke to you about doing something wrong, if you messed up in a game, he’d pull you aside. He wouldn’t yell or curse. He’d just tell you what you were doing was hurting the team. That was like being stabbed in the heart. He had this way of getting his point across without raising his voice.

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Former Steelers talk about The Chief


On the anniversary of Art Rooney Sr.’s birthday, some stories about The Chief from former Steelers

Brady Keys:And nothing but good memories of Pittsburgh and the Steelers. The last day I cried was when Mr. Rooney died. I haven’t cried since. I would not be who I am without him. The town and country were not ready for me – a Black man who wanted to run a business and play football. But he was.”

Tony Dungy: “The first thing was from Art Rooney – how you have to trust your players and coaching staff. To treat them like family and understand your impact on fans too. He told me the team will support you through all kinds of weather. But you can’t just take it in. You have to give back. Art wanted you to be someone who gave back to the community as a player.”

John Jackson: “I met Art Rooney Sr. when the draft picks came in. It was an unbelievable experience sitting down and having dinner with him. He knew who everyone was – he picked them himself. And he was sharp as a tack.

I was really impressed that he knew who I was. We talked about horses – he knew I was from Kentucky I guess. I wasn’t a big horse fan like the Chief though – he was naming horses and was just a lot more knowledgeable than me. It was a really good experience.”

Babe Parilli: “The Rooneys were the best. I remember the old man – he used to being cigars into my office and we’d smoke them together. Chuck couldn’t stand the smoke. I got Bradshaw to smoke the cigars too and we’d all sit in the quarterback meetings smoking them. I asked Chuck if the smoke was bothering him. His eyes would be watering but he said no – he knew Rooney brought us the cigars. But he went out and got a big fan and put it in the room to blow away the smoke!”

Franco Harris: “For me, what really opened me up and made me aware of that was the Chief. How he was involved in the community. Just how nice he was. They way he would help the community around him. You look for examples in life, and I looked at Mr. Rooney. I wanted to do more and he was supportive of that.”

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Exclusive with Steelers Wide Receiver Deon Cain


First, how is the offseason gong for you – what’s the plan for you?

Oh man, lots of things going on. I’m trying to keep my weight down and stay fit. I want to stay in great shape – Spring ball is just around the corner. I want to be ready for camp – maybe get a little looser in my hips. I’m just excited for the offseason and to get ready for camp!

Did the coaches give you some areas to improve upon for next season in the exit interview?

I was there for five weeks so they got to see a lot. Coach Tomlin said he just wants me to become a more complete wide receiver. Lots of guys want to make big plays downfield, but he wants me to be  good on the interior routes too – slants and in-routes. To step that up to another level.

I’m working to improve my footwork now – I have a great trainer to help me do that – to help me come out of my breaks better – stuff like that. I’m excited. Coach Tomlin gave me what I needed. I just have to put in the work with the other guys.

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Exclusive with Steelers Running Back Darrin Hall


First, how is the offseason going so far and what are you working on as you get ready for the next season?

I feel like thing are going really well. I’m just trying to get a head start for next season – I feel like I had my offseason already. I’m just working out and getting my body right. My emphasis this year is to work on my route-running and getting a head start om practicing NFL routes. I’m confident in my ability to catch the ball I just need the repetition.

How hard is it going from team to team and being released and picked up like you experienced?

It’s not easy – it’s kind of hard. At some point it takes it’s toll on your mentally and you can question your ability.  But my dad, family and agents all got it into me that I’m capable of playing at this level. I just had some bad breaks. That guy in Arizona was cut six times and had a breakthrough season. When the opportunity comes you just have to have fun with it and run with it.

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Exclusive with Former Steelers Outside Linebacker Arthur Moats, 2014-2017


First, give me a quick rundown on all that you’re doing sine you just retired?

Currently, I’m doing media work for the Steelers – the two-hour radio show and I also do my own podcast – the Arthur Moats Experience. That’s twice a week. And i recently wrote a book – MOATS Theory of Life. And a ton of media stuff!

Tell us more about the book – why you wrote it and what message you were hoping to deliver to readers?

My thought process was that I wanted to be an author – Arthur the author! I didn’t want to write an autobiography – I wanted to write something that would help people be inspired and impactful in life. I learned a lot of lessons from football and life in general and wanted to help educate people on how to be better as people.

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Exclusive with Former Steelers Offensive Line Coach Jack Bicknell Jr, 2013


First, tell me a bit about where you are right now in your coaching career and what your next steps are?

Well  I’m at Ole Miss right now and am really enjoying it. It’s a beautiful town and great people. I’d be happy to finish my career here – 10 years more and call it a day.

You prefer college over NFL coaching? Why if so?

The big thing with college, and it may sound corny, but I got into this business to have an impact on young men and their development. In the NFL you have grown men more set in their ways, so to speak.  In college, you have 17 or 18 year old kids. You can have more of an impact on their life. That’s the biggest difference.

Guys mess up at all levels in football – at all levels our job is to correct them. But in the NFL when you close your office doors you don’t have to think about the game. In college it’s 24 hours a day. You have to recruit and watch our for your players more. That’s what makes it difficult. Guys have classes, tutors, you have to deal with alumni and eight million other things recruiting-wise.

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Exclusive with Former Steelers Running Back Dante Brown, 2003-2004


First, can you let me know what you’ve been doing with yourself since your time in the NFL?

Well, actually, I’ve been working for a railroad company now – Norfolk Southern. Friends of mine got me interested and into the work. I’m fixing stuff for them – tracks and stuff like that. It’s not too bad. I’m used to the physical stuff from playing football, so it hasn’t been that bad.

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Exclusive with Steelers Running Back/Kick Returner Kerrith Whyte, Jr.


First, let me know what the plans fore the offseason are for you?

Honestly, I’m just taking a bit of time off to let my body recover. You get a few nagging injuries and I don’t want to train with a hurt body, so I’m just giving it a little time first. But I’m still exercising, stretching – staying in shape.

It was a crazy season for you – what made you decide to accept the Steelers offer to sign you off of Chicago’s practice squad?

They just told me they really wanted me, For me, it was a great opportunity to showcase my skills and put some things on film. I’m thankful that they chose to sign me and believed in me.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Running Back/Kick Returner Kerrith Whyte, Jr.”


In His Own Words: Dick Conn


First I want to thank Ron Lippock for keeping up with us old guys and letting us share some memories. Next I want to thank the Rooney family for always treating me and my family as a part of the Steelers family. They were and still are the class of the league!!

I was truly blessed to have played for the Steelers and Coach Noll. I was only there for one great year but it was a life changer for me and my family. I was a member of the greatest rookie class of all time in any sport and won the Super Bowl in my first year as a pro.  Those things stay with you your whole life. No matter where you go or who you meet, you are always introduced as a Super Bowl Champion. Your children and grandchildren are always known as the children and grandchildren of someone who played for the Pittsburgh Steelers.

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