My personal feeling about what’s going on in the National Football League? The owners have let the league get out of control with the salaries and trying to protect their investment. I only wish they had to go through what we black players did back in the 60’s and 70’s. I have to say that the owners of today are not like Art Rooney of the Pittsburgh Steelers
He cared about the players that played for him and took care of them. More importantly, I feel that the concussions of the past are just as important as those of today. And the fans are not seeing football the way it was started back in the day. Too many flags and too much protection for the quarterback and penalties for what the referees think they saw – to me they are fooling the fans that payed good money to see real football. Yes it nice to see a Quarterback throw along pass for touchdown. But what about the defense or linemen who try very hard to do their job. But when they do you can be assured there will be a flag. As I have said too many flags.