First off, can you tell me about the work you’re doing now for high school recruits?
I started up a new program to help kids with recruiting. After I stopped playing I got into coaching and that was sticky for me. I enjoyed it – but I couldn’t help kids like I wanted to to get into schools and continue to play. So I used the network I built up of coaches – from high school to the NFL – to help advocate for kids. It’s hard to get recruited if there’s no one in your corner.
When you have someone outside of your inner circle – not a parent or coach – who can help you and give you a different point of view, who can help you train and give you the good and the bad – that really helps. I was a highly recruited player out of high school and I loved the recruiting process. I learned a lot from it and think I can help kids. A lot of kids go under-recruited – maybe they are from smaller schools or just don’t have anyone to advocate for them. I’m consistently cycling through film and making calls to get kids into schools.
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