Exclusive with ESPN’s John Buccigross


First off, what have you been working on lately – where can fans find you and your work and what;’s next?

My primary ESPN job is SportsCenter. 11 PM Eastern time. I went to ESPN  in September 2019 hoping to make the transition to a play-by-play broadcaster. I would like to still make that transition. But I love doing SportsCenter and doing the show and it is the highlight of my day.

I spoke to Vito Stellino recently who talked about how the fun of covering sports has diminished for him – it being so hard to really get one on one time to get to know athletes. Basically, that now it’s all about the press conference. Do you feel the same way? How do you cut through that to really get to know athletes today?

I can understand that sentiment. At least when it comes to hockey, I’ve been able to cultivate and maintain lots of relationships in the game so I can get plenty of on-on-one time with players and coaches. That’s probably the product of my position in the company I work for, I admit. Part of it is also income and class. There was a time athletes and journalists probably made similar money. Or at least in the same neighborhood. Now obviously that is not the case. Money and status has become the primary value in America. That is not a good thing.

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Mike Vukovcan on Pitt Football, Recruiting, and New Site


First, can you tell readers about your new //pittsburghsportsnow.com/ site and what your focus is?

The focus of @pghsportsnow is twofold.  1) to update all the passionate Pitt Panther fans around the country and especially here in Pennsylvania on how Pitt is doing in the recruiting trail.  With the hiring of Pat Narduzzi, I knew Pitt’s level of recruiting  especially with elite players would improve.  I also knew that Narduzzi and his assistants would be able to recruit the elite talent in Western Pennsylvania, which is exactly what they’re doing.  2) Since HS football is so popular in Western Pennsylvania, I wanted to become an outlet for fans to read about and find where the players are going to after they’re done playing hs football.  So our focus is on Pitt and WPIAL hs football and basketball recruiting.

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Exclusive with Author, Agent Ralph Cindrich on New Book and Life as an NFL Agent


First, on your new book. What possessed you to write NFL Brawler: A Player-Turned-Agent’s Forty Years In the National Football League – what were you trying to relay to readers that they didn’t know before?

I had some entertaining stories from my years of working in the NFL – using a pro wrestler in a negotiation, nearly fighting Jimmy Johnson, getting into a drinking contest with an NFL owner, etc. The book arose simply from a desire to collect all those stories and share them. I thought other people might enjoy my stories.

Most importantly though, I wanted it to be a book of thanks-to let people to know that I was grateful for all that I experienced. I was blessed with people who helped me from day one, from close family members to little league coaches, clients, and family members. I wasn’t one of those people looking to sling mud at the NFL or football in general. The game has greatly enriched my life.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Author, Agent Ralph Cindrich on New Book and Life as an NFL Agent”


Exclusive with Dale Lolley


The Steelers have been overwhelmed with injuries this year, yet are still in playoff contention. How much credit goes to Mike Tomlin – and what has this team done to help find success despite the injuries?

Tomlin and his staff have done an outstanding job this season working through what could have been some devastating injuries. People get tired of hearing, “the standard is the standard,” and “next man up,” but the players really believe it. Look at how Dallas fell apart this season without Tony Romo and Dez Bryant. The Steelers could easily have taken a similar nose dive. They didn’t because the coaching staff made them believe and put together game plans to make the most of what they had.

The Steelers seem more willing to take risks this season – both on the field and off. With the Boykin trade, more rookies playing, free agent pickups, etc., do you feel there’s and even greater sense of urgency from the coaches and front office this season?

Absolutely. They know they only have a handful of seasons remaining with Ben Roethlisberger in his prime with which to make another Super Bowl run. The Steelers don’t worry so much about next season as they do the current one. That has always been the case. But they have put more into it this year than any I can remember.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Dale Lolley”
