Remembering Dan Radakovich

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Radakovich: “I changed it all year one. That was the year we became the Steel Curtain – those were my guys.

First, L.C. was just a backup – he spent two years on the bench. He could run like a deer – he lapped the entire team in practice. I started him at left end and moved Dwight to right end. I kept Joe Greene where he was – I wasn’t crazy!”

Gordon Gravewlle: “The best position coach I ever had was Dan Radakovich. He came to the Steelers in my third year and I really improved under his tutelage.”

Larry Brown: “Dan Radakovich was an early mentor who persuaded me to move to tackle.”

Hank Fraley: “Rad, he put two hands on me the first time he met me and pushed me back. “What are you going to do?” he asked me. I was just like, what does this old man want me to do! I got lower and pushed him back and he said that was right – I needed to play with leverage, And that’s what Rad instilled in us all – to play technically sound – to play with leverage and balance. I laughed with my buddy after that about meeting Rad. I liked that demeanor though – Rad was out there but he taught us a lot.”

Mike Miller: “I learned so much under Mad Rad – that was my cornerstone for everything in my career and everything I am. I owe everything to God and Jesus but connecting me to Mad Rad – he showed me all of the fundamentals and techniques that are what I use to educate now.”

Reggie Harrison: “Dan Radakovich (assistant coach at the time) was my coach at the University of Cincinnati the prior year, so he knew I could carry the mail. He recommended me to the team and I went in for a tryout. The rest is history.”



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