Randy Reutershan, Steelers Wide Receiver, 1978


First, can you let readers know what you have been doing with yourself since your time with the Steelers, and how you got involved in this line of work?

Now I am employed at Home Depot and constantly involved with various events with the NFL Players Association.  I am also in a group that is trying to finance the Magic Sports, Health and Resort Complex in South Jersey for kids and adults to participate in a number of sports indoors and out as well as medical care and waterpark.

You had a brief stint as a coach at Pitt under Jackie Sherill. How was that experience for you and what coaching and playing lessons did you find yourself falling back on most as a coach?

I enjoyed coaching at Pitt, on the field teaching, trying to give the players as much knowledge of the game as I got from two of the all time receivers in the game.

Were you able to take advantage of the NFL/NFLPA post-NFL career services help? If so, how?

I am very involved with the NFL Players Association as we do a variety of charitable events as well as clinics and motivational talks

You were drafted by the Steelers in ’78 after playing at Pitt. How excited were you to be drafted in the same city you played college ball in?  Did you view it as a plus or were you worried about the receiver depth on the team?

After being drafted by the Steelers I was very excited for the potential of playing for such a great organization but reality set in and I realized it would take the effort of a lifetime to make such a great team.

They switched you as a rookie from receiver to defensive back. Why did they make that switch and how were you able to make that adjustment and make the team?

Well into the season some cuts were made and the need for a defensive back arose and I had some experience at that position so they made the move but it kept me on the team.

I had more experience at wide receiver but they believed in me and I would do whatever was asked of me especially as a rookie on such a great team, encouraged because I still had a job.

Who helped you to adjust to the NFL as a rookie – both on and off the field – and how did they do so?

Lynn Swann and John Stallworth were always available to provide help both on and off the field, taught me what to expect and how to react.

You were severely wounded in a car accident that rookie season. How is your health now and did you get any assistance from the team/NFL at the time? How did the team support you – not just financially – after the accident? How did the players, coaches and front office help you during the month you were in the hospital?

My health is great now and I remain very active athletically.  Occasional memory problems exist but I deal with it.

The Steelers were very cooperative and made sure I received outstanding medical attention and took care of my parents during the very serious period.

After my accident, members of the team and coaches were often at the hospital and while being cared for in Philadelphia for five months I spoke with them over the phone once I was able to.

Who were some of the biggest characters on that ’78 team and what made them so – any examples of the humor/hijinks on that team?

There were many players with a great sence of humor and occasional jokes were played but we were very business like-which winning takes and hijinks were kept to a minimum.

What are some of your best memories as a Steeler, and what makes them so?

Best memories…..Winning    This team knew what it took to win and made the effort and commitment it required

Any last thoughts for readers?

I was given the opportunity of a lifetime and I thank God I was able to make the most of it

Thank you



Read more by former Steelers via the book Steelers Takeaways: Player Memories Through the Decades To order, just click on the book:


One thought on “Randy Reutershan, Steelers Wide Receiver, 1978”

  1. I was a nurse at Mercy Hospital when Randy was in the ICU & then recovering in a regular room. Steeler players & coaches visited Randy often & got to meet so many of the players. I was working the 3-11 shift during a Monday night game & as I was walking down the hall on my way home, I walked past a private room & saw the game on the TV so I stopped in the doorway to check the score & didn’t realize at first that it was Randy’s room. I asked about the score & he told me I was welcome to sit down & watch the game so I did. Then I realized who the patient was in the bed. We talked about his recovery & I told him I had been praying for him & thanked him for allowing me to watch the game for a few minutes. I think about him often & wondered what had happened to him. So glad to hear he is doing well. Please give him my best.

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