Randy Baumann – WDVE


Randy Baumann – WDVE Morning Show Interview (March 3, 2011):

First, where can readers find you on the air and online?

They can find me on 102.5 FM www.dve.com @DVERandy and on Facebook

What’s the best thing about your job – and is there anything coming up on your show that fans should watch out for soon?

Best thing about the job has to be working with a tremendous amount of talented people and getting paid to goof off. I think people are really going to dig what DVE has planned for the web. They’re making a concerted effort to be THE site for both expatriate Pittsburghers and those still living here.

Who’s funnier – you or Jim?

Jim. Wait, I thought you asked ‘Who smelled funnier’. Still Jim. But no, really- Jim

Tell readers something about yourself that we’d be surprised to know.

I’m Banksy

Who are the sports journalists and broadcasters that you follow most closely, and why?

Locally Collier leads the way, but I like Molinari, Dejan, Rossi and Bouchette. Nationally, I’m so immersed in the web each day that I usually follow what guys are doing online.

So Peter King, Bill Simmons, Jason Stark, Deadspin guys, whomever is writing on my Fantasy league sites.

A special nod goes out to the Pensblog guys, who provide great satire/coverage of the Penguins. Somebody should really be paying them to do that because, to my knowledge, no other website has ever defined a sense of humor and created a language for an entire fan base. THATS influence.

What teams and players do you follow most closely?

The two local pro teams and the Pirates.

What have been some of the more interesting Pittsburgh sports figures you’ve met and what made them so?

Mario. People stand up straighter when he walks into a room. I’ve seen it. People straighten up like caddies as Lacie Underall walks past them

Which Pittsburgh sports figures that you have encountered had the best senses of humor – and how so?

Brett Keisel has an awesome dry sense of humor. He’ll never be known for it because the beard looms too large, but he should be known for it. Max Talbot and Colby Armstrong together could at times be fall down funny, Steve McKenna was a natural comic, much like Josh Miller, and the entire Pirates front office is hilarious.

Ward on Dancing with the Stars. Thoughts? Is this almost too easy? Are you going to ride him for this and how bad will his teammates do so?

As long as he dances to ‘Renegade’ every time, I’m fine with it.

What’s your funniest/most shocking on-air experience with a Pittsburgh sports figure?

Edgar Snyder hijacking a segment with Myron Cope, where he proceeded to bring up a couple of things that Myron would’ve rather he didn’t. The message on our producers voicemail after that show would’ve been Lee Elia good. I’m glad it got erased.

Any last thoughts for readers?

I think the Pittsburgh Power has a legitimate shot at a division title.


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