First, can you let readers know what you are doing with yourself since you’ve retired from the NFL, and how you got started doing so?
I retired after that tough playoff loss and starting working for Gannett. When I was thinking of retiring, I was very interested in the newspaper business and looked into that business. It was a 9-5 job – it sounded good! I went there and got some training. They created a new job for me – Carrier Recruitment Supervisor – in their circulation department. At the time we had 11,000 youth carriers in the Detroit area that distributed our newspaper. The biggest in the U.S. I was responsible for recruiting kids to do that. Well, I wasn’t going to stand on street corners recruiting kids. I talked to the people at work about going to the public schools and speaking to the kids there. They said yes after talking to their legal department, and I went and gave twenty minute speeches there telling them how they could be young merchants.
I was there for twenty-eight years. I went on disability at the end of my twenty-eight year – due to a wrist injury I had from football that I re-injured at work. They fused some bones and put a metal rod in…. Now, I’m doing a lot of signings….doing the circuit!
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