Hank Williams Jr.


Hank Williams Jr.

First, can you let readers know about your upcoming album – what should readers expect from your latest work and when does it release?

My new album comes out on July 10th.  It is traditional Hank! You know I was pretty motivated after last year’s ESPN situation.  Songs started coming to me in the middle of the night and I would grab the ipad and start writing.  This album has a lot of what America wants to hear but so many are afraid to say it.  This album is dedicated to all hard working Americans.

Tell us about your upcoming tour – and are you coming to the Pittsburgh area?

The Taking Back The Country Tour is just another tour.  You know I only do twenty-five shows a year.  So I get to choose where I perform and when I perform.  I love Pittsburgh.  My friends from Pittsburgh include Dan and Art Rooney as well as John Wodarek from the Steelers organization.  They have been real good to Bocephus!

How much of an influence was your father in your approach to music – both in what you wanted to emulate and in the desire to create your own direction?

I am who I am.  When I was young everyone wanted me to be exactly like daddy.  But that wasn’t me.  So the music now speaks for itself.

 You were born in Louisiana but are a self-professed Steelers fan. How did that come about – what about the Steelers made you become a fan?

You know I was born in the Shreveport Sanitarium in the same hospital as Terry Bradshaw.  I have been a fan and friend of the Steelers for many years!!!!

Who are some of the players you’ve gotten to know over the years and how?

I love soo many of the players.  Heinz Ward, Terry Bradshaw, Troy Palamalu, Ben Roethlisberger .. but I am very close with Bill Cowher.  I loved Cowher as we both understood each other very well.

What are some of your most memorable moments interacting with team members?

In my career with Monday Night Football, I have been to six Super Bowls.  But nothing is as fun as when I am at a Super Bowl with The Rooney Family at the After Party and we are celebrating the BIG Win!!

What are your thoughts about the team’s chances this season?

I think they have a chance.  Its about the rebuild and having strong players.

How familiar are you with the Pittsburgh music scene? Any musicians from the area you follow  – and how do you think the Pittsburgh music industry can improve and get more talent to be seen and heard nationally?

Well my buddy Wodarek with the Steelers has a band The Stickers.  I have been asked to sing on their record, so who knows what will happen.

What are some of your more memorable experiences playing in front of crowds in Pittsburgh?

Being on the stage is what we do.  Everything else is work.


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