Exclusive with Former Steelers Linebacker Keith Kelsey, 2017-2019


First, let me know what you’re up to now?

I moved to Atlanta – I stopped playing football last year after I had to have my third surgery on my pec. They messed the first one up.

I helped a high school coach here for a while then talked to someone at Penske about working for them. I knew I’d be good at that – I was always a good communicator – people told me I interviewed well with teams. So it was something I thought I’d be good at.

Was the post-NFL adjustment tough for you?

It’s been going pretty good. I have good people in my corner helping me out. My dad and uncle both played professional football so they’ve been there for me and understand. I have no regrets – I did all that I could do and still have a lot of close friends from my time there.

It took a minute to adjust, but it’s all good now.

You signed as an undrafted free agent with Pittsburgh. Why did you choose the Steelers?

It was really because of Mike Tomlin – I felt that he gave me the best chance to play. I liked the atmosphere there. A lot of NFL teams aren’t family-oriented like Pittsburgh is. Many teams the players are there for practice and then go home. Its more like a business. The Rooneys and Coach Tomlin treat it more like a family. It felt like it did when I was in college. Guys went to each other’s houses to hang out, play video games together and go out and hang out together. I talked to college teammates on other NFL teams and it wasn’t usually like that.

You made the team as a practice squad player even as an undrafted free agent. How did you make the team – what helped you to do so?

It’s the whole process – you really just have to play better than the other guys. The good thing about the Steelers is that Tomlin doesn’t care if you are an undrafted free agent or first round pick. Everyone gets a chance. Not every team is like that. Some teams have their starters and the rest of the guys don’t really get a chance. Even as an undrafted free agent I was given a chance.

Anyone help you out – take you under their wing?

Ryan Shazier showed me a lot. And believe it or not AB. I know he dealt with some off-field issues but he showed me what hard work was and how to take care of your body. No one worked harder than him, and he knew how to take care of himself and showed me too. I never really had a specific diet before but he showed me how important that was to staying heathy. He changed my mindset on diet and hard work.

What did Ryan help you with?

He showed me how to be a leader. As a linebacker I was always a leader – you have to be vocal. But he showed me how to be a professional. He was there at six am watching film. There were still seven hours left in the day after that but there he was. He showed me how to be more vocal and how to be a professional.

It seemed like they liked your versatility at linebacker? They listed you at inside and outside linebacker…

Well, my whole life I was a middle linebacker. I never played outside. We ran a 3-4 in college and sometimes I blitzed and rushed off the edge, but I was always an inside linebacker. I’m only 6’2″ – I was never big enough to play outside! Unless your James Harrison of course – that’s a whole other level.

Any fun memories of your time in Pittsburgh?

The most fun ones are when all of the linebackers went to the4 Kentucky Derby together – even Joey Porter. I played football at Louisville but I never went to it before.

Just all of us going out – Jerome Bettis hanging with us – Porter…. Those older guys and us just all hanging out and talking about stuff besides football was a great experience. We got to walk the red carpet – and I got to meet the billionaire dude who made the Equalizer – I talked to him for 40 minutes or so. He was going to fly all of us to a UFC fight that night on his private jet, but his wife said no!

Any good on-field, practice squad memories stand out?

Well, I picked Ben off in practice once! Ben has been playing since I was in third grade! So that was a good experience.

Maybe less for Ben?

Ha yeah!

How was life on the practice squad – any fun matchups in practices for you?

The practice squad was a real learning experience. I never sat on the bench before I went to the NFL. Not in high school, and even in college I played as a freshman and started the rest of my time at Louisville. Being on the practice squad, your paid to practice all week and workout but you get weekends off.

But it helps develop you. Pittsburgh really uses the practice squad to develop guys. There was so much talent on the Steelers’ practice squad. Sometimes it’s just a numbers game – we had guys on the practice squad that could start on other teams.

Who did you like going up against in practice?

Le’Veon was always fun to go up against. He was so patient and would hide behind his linemen. And you never knew what he was going to do. And he was a big guy too – he was no little back!

Read more by former Steelers via the book Steelers Takeaways: Player Memories Through the Decades To order, just click on the book:


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