Exclusive with Former Browns Defensive Lineman Phil Taylor


First, what have you been doing since you retired?

Right now I’m just relaxing and enjoying being retired. My wife and I started a cleaning company just for something to do. I also breed dogs. So it’s kids, wife and dogs!

How hard was the post-NFL adjustment for you?

It wasn’t too bad. You have to be prepared – all you used to get so easily because of who you were doesn’t come so easily anymore. It doesn’t happen that way. The NFL has a list of programs to help players transition. But it’s hard to find that next place in your life when all you knew is football. But I’m doing ok – I’m still in Cleveland and having fun here.

What are your thoughts now on the Steeler-Browns rivalry?

It’s a great rivalry – it’s been great. It’s now even better with a high-caliber team in Cleveland. I’m excited or them – the rivalry will never die. It was always great to play against the Steelers – I had some of my greatest games against them!

Why was that?

I think getting drafted by Cleveland, you felt the hate for Pittsburgh by the fans, and that got me going. Those games were always close. It was always one of the toughest, most physical games we played, I called those double-chin strap games.

When I first got there, I saw those dirty hits by Pittsburgh on our guys and said that when I played I wasn’t going to let them do that to us. I was going to fuck you up before you fucked us up!

You were pretty vocal when you played the Steelers too – what was behind that?

Well, who doesn’t want to get a sack as a lineman! Especially if it’s against a guy like Ben – I respected him but at the end of the day he’s a quarterback and I’m going to sack him. And when we sacked Ben the fans would get fired up and we’d feed off of that.

I was the type of guy that wanted to see everyone have fun, too. If I was having a bad game, helping hose other guys play better helped me pick up my game. I wanted everyone to do good and that helped me play better.

Any of those Steelers linemen you liked facing most?

The three guys I usually went up against-  Pouncey, Big Ramon and Gilbert, when he was there. I knew them before I got to Cleveland – I was good friends with all three guys. It was a rivalry but we were still cool off the field. We’d damn near kill each other on the field though!

Any good stories from those battles?

Nothing fun, really. It was all business on game days. We’d talk trash and joked some during games, but nothing big.

Any thoughts on how changes to the game in general have affected the rivalry?

I don’t think that really affects the rivalry. It’s still Pittsburgh versus Cleveland. I do think the NFL is taking the fun out of football. I know they are trying to keep guys safe, but the guys know what they signed up for when they started playing.

Do you speak to any of the guys on Cleveland’s roster now?

Well there are only two guys left there since I was there! Turnover happens – guys learn that quick. Maybe they needed to do it that way. They are taking the right steps and are bringing big names in. That offense is now one of the best in the league. They just need to gel now.

What do you think was the issue when you played? You had some talent on those teams too?

We definitely had a good team. We just always found a way to give the game away. We didn’t play as a team. It’s always a number of things when you are losing games. We’d do one thing well but make mistakes somewhere else. We just didn’t come together as a team!

You wish you were able to go up against Jackson in Baltimore?

Oh yeah – we’re witnessing greatness! You can’t stop that guy. That’s big on Harbaugh – a lot of coaches wouldn’t tailor their offense around a guy like Jackson. He’s done a great job. I would love to play Baltimore today!

Read more by former Steelers via the book Steelers Takeaways: Player Memories Through the Decades To order, just click on the book:


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