Dave Trimbur – Big33.org


Dave Trimbur, Executive Director, Big33.org (April 3,  2011):

First, can you explain the nature of your organization – when and why you began, how it got off the ground initially and what your mission is?

The PNC Big 33 Football Classic is entering its 54th year. We are often referred to as “The Super Bowl of High School Football” as there has never been a NFL Super Bowl played without a Big 33 Alumnus.

The Big 33 Scholarship Foundation Inc was founded in 1985. At this time we added an Academic Scholarship program as well as a Special Needs Children Program “Big 33 Buddies” to our Game. We have now awarded over 3.900,000.00 in academic scholarships students from Pennsylvania and Ohio. We also have over 200 Buddies that annually participate in our program, and we are poised to continue to grow both of these programs.

How does the Big 33 Football Classic work – how are games set up?

The Big 33 Football Classic is a game that matches the Best Graduating Seniors from Ohio vs. the Best Graduating Seniors from Pennsylvania. It is played the 3rd Saturday in June each year.

Besides the Big 33 game, what other programs do you offer?

Academic Scholarships
“Buddy Program”
Youth Football and Cheer Camps

If you visit our website – www.big33.org you will find some videos that can help explain our programs, and hear from some of our participants.

How do players get chosen for each Big 33 game – who decides and how do they do so?

Each year the respective state high school football coaching organizations pick the Big 33 Teams.

In the case of Pennsylvania, We collect video tapes and nomination form during the month of December from all participation High School Football coaches in Pennsylvania. The first weekend in January The PSFCA coaches and Directors from throughout the state meet at Penn State Football complex and spend the weekend reviewing all films and nominations that were submitted and after a weekend of film review, they pick what they believe will be the best PA Big 33 Team.

This group of over 70 dedicated high school football coaches from all across PA make up the selection committee.

Who are some of the big name players that have played in the Big 33 over the years – and who are the players to watch out for this season?

Dan Marino, Joe Montana, Jim Kelly, Tony Dorsett, Ricky Watters, This years Honary Chaiman Ty Law, Ben Rothlisberger, just to name a few.

There are so many this year. But if History holds true one of these young men will play in the Super Bowl at one time or another.
How do college teams use this as a recruiting tool and how much do they rely on this game?

The college teams do not use this game as a recruiting tool as these young man already have their scholarships. The colleges support our game for the reason that they see it as a growing experience.

This maybe the first time that these players play against this much talent and maybe even better talent as a group then they will see in college. The experience that they have during the week while staying with their host family, be paired up with the Buddy allows they to grow as young men.

Each year we have Head Football Coaches that come and speak the teams at our annual banquet.  These coaches include Pitt, Ohio State, Penn State, Temple, Rutgers, Notre Dame, Maryland.

What restrictions are placed on colleges that attend the Big 33? What are they not allowed to do?

The colleges can only attend the Annual Banquet and speak they cannot attend the Game or the week long workouts.


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