First, let me know what you’ve been doing since your time in the NFL – what you got involved in?
Pittsburgh was my last stop in the NFL. I was hospitalized six weeks into the seasons at Mercy Hospital and that ended my season and career. After I was out of the hospital I drove back home to Cortlad, New York. I didn’t know what I was going to do next.
What happened – how did the injury occur?
We were playing the Cardinals in Chicago – at Soldier Field. Remember – I’m 85 years old – an old old timer! I was returning a kick – it was a center return – and I cut towards the sideline. I planted my left leg and turned up field, and at the same time someone came at me at full speed and hit my leg. I tore the muscle – it just burst. The doctor told me that if I got hit there again could end up crippled for life.
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