Exclusive with Former Steelers Tight End Sean McHugh, 2008-2010


First, can you let me know what you’e been doing with yourself since your time in the NFL?

Well, when I was done playing I coached for a couple of schools here in Michigan. When I was done in Pittsburgh we settled back in Michigan since we enjoyed it so much here when I played here.

An opportunity opened up for me in the financial industry doing wholesale mortgage lending. I couldn’t coach anymore with my work schedule so I started coaching my son’s youth team.

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Exclusive with Former Steelers Offensive Lineman Byron Stingily, 2015


First, what have you been doing with yourself since your time in the NFL?

I have two rental properties that make me a few dollars, but I’m really trying to find my way. The transition has been rough – it’s been the toughest thing I’ve ever had to deal with.  I’m trying to find something that fits-  a career or business.

Did you get any help via the NFLPA or NFL?

I did go to some stuff the NFLPA put on – I went to a career fair in Orlando. But to be honest, there were no opportunities for anything that could pay the bills. Nothing that would be worthwhile. It was almost a slap in the face, to be honest.

I’ve looked at other ideas. I’m into cars but there’s not much money in that. I’m into trucking – I have my CBL. I’m looking at the idea of driving for somebody or owning my own dump truck company. Something like that.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Offensive Lineman Byron Stingily, 2015”


Exclusive with Steelers Strength and Conditioning Coach Walt Evans, 1982-1988


So, first off, what have you been doing since your time in the NFL?

When I left the Steelers. I went to work with George Nicholson at Slippery Rock – I knew him and he was their head coach at the time. I asked him if he needed help and he brought me in to be their conditioning and offensive line coach. A year later I did the same thing at Temple while I got my PhD.Teaching was always my forte’ – after Temple I went to teach at California University.

George had a degree in safety, and he and I talked about that – about me getting into the field. I ended up doing that and have been with Amazon as their Senior Safety Manager -managing their safety programs.

Why did you leave the NFL work?

I had more control doing what I do now than I had in football.  I felt I could be more successful if I was doing something where I had that control.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Strength and Conditioning Coach Walt Evans, 1982-1988”


Exclusive with Sports Illustrated’s Noah Strackbein on the Steelers


First, before we jump into any of the details on camp so far, what do you feel you can really take away at this point from what you see? 

I think it depends on the player. You can’t take away a lot but you can take away some things at first glance.

You look at guys like Norwood and Pierre and you can see their athleticism and the ground they can cover and how much, for example, Pierre has come even since last season. It’s not about playmaking right now – it’s about who looks comfortable and who gets the playbook. It’s early but stuff like that says a lot. Once you get in pads it is different – once the hitting starts. But you have to have the playbook down.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Sports Illustrated’s Noah Strackbein on the Steelers”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Frank Pokorny, 1985-1986


First, can you tell me what you’ve been doing since your time playing ball?

Well, now I’m semi-retired. I’m self-employed – I do some part time courier work for an auto parts company. I drive to the distribution center in Turtle Creek, then make two stops in Cleveland and come back home. It’s the easiest money I ever made!

Was the post-football transition difficult?

I was a national sales manager for years after football – I worked my way up. Then I got tired of corporate America. After my brother’s death – he was slain as a police office – that set me back a while. I took time off and decided I couldn’t go back to that corporate America bullshit.

But the transition right after football wasn’t hard. The first couple of years, I’d get that fresh smell of cut grass in the Fall and miss it some then. but I never lived and breathed football. I didn’t sleep with a football in my bed.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Frank Pokorny, 1985-1986”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Offensive Lineman Ryan Harris, 2016


First, can you tell me what you’ve been doing since your time in the NFL?

Well, not that I’m retired officially, I’ve been in to real estate, broadcasting, and doing a lot of speaking.

I’m doing sportstalk radio in Denver and doing Notre Dame radio broadcasts. I’m also doing work foe the local tv station in Denver – handling post-game work for CBS.

My speaking work is on leadership and teambuilding, based on my experiences in the NFL.

How hard was the post-NFL transition for you?

For me, I remember when Coach Kubiak once said that the guys who are successful in their post-NFL transitions are the ones who jump into something quickly. So my first and second years, I just said yes to everything. I had to change what I was used to doing. Before I would say no to a lot. To tickets, distractions.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Offensive Lineman Ryan Harris, 2016”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Scout/Coaching Asst Stephen Meyer 2016-2019


First, tell me what you did with yourself  after the Steelers?

Well, I went back to coaching defensive backs back at my old high school, Woodland Hills. That’s where I played ball, back in the day. I kept myself occupied until the next round of NFL or XFL hiring.

How did you get your start with the Steelers? 

I was coaching at St. Vincent College when Kevin Colbert’s brother coached the offensive linemen there. I met Kevin through him and some of the other folks in the organization when they had camp there.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Scout/Coaching Asst Stephen Meyer 2016-2019”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Linebacker Bruce Davis, 2008


First, what have you been doing since your time in the NFL?

I’ve been coaching players who are leaving college to play in the NFL. Pre-draft coaching for Stars SoCal. Jason David runs it – he was the corner for the Saints and later won a Super Bowl. I knew him from the lockout year when we all ran big seven-on-seven practices together to stay in football shape. We did special trainings to keep us sharp then during the lockout.

He approached me once I was done with football to coach the linebackers and defensive linemen for Stars. It gave me a chance to stay close to football without having to spend all of that time that college and NFL coaches have to spend. I played for 20 years straight. So it was good to stay close to the game and kick back some knowledge to the younger guys.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Linebacker Bruce Davis, 2008”


Exclusive with Former Pittsburgh Maulers Quarterback Glenn Carano


First, can you let me know what you’ve been doing since your time playing football?

I’ve been working for Caeser’s Entertainment – we have 55 casinos throughout the country. I am happy that I was able to keep working after football. I just recently stepped down to a lesser position so I have more days to spend on the golf course and with my family.

I was the regional president and GM of the El Dorado Resorts- we have 4,000 hotel rooms and 28 restaurants and bars that I managed as well as other properties. We’ve been able to stay successful even through these trying times.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Pittsburgh Maulers Quarterback Glenn Carano”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Lorenzo Davis, 1990


First, can you let me know what you’ve been up to since your time playing football?

I’ve been a school teacher – teaching math to ninth and 12th graders in high school. I also dipped into coaching and was the head coach for a high school in Ft. Lauderdale for five years.

Now, I get to watch my kids grow up. I have two sons – one a senior in high school and one is in college – a starting cornerback for Oklahoma.

Was that post-football adjustment difficult?

It was and it wasn’t. You get so used to being around your guys and smiling and having fun with everyone – and being a part of a team. You all have the same vision and one common goal. Then you go out into the world and everyone has a different vision of how you should think and do things. That was an adjustment. Now you have to do something new – you may like it, but not as much as you did football.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Lorenzo Davis, 1990”
