Exclusive with Former Steelers Defensive Lineman Orpheus Roye, 1996-1999, 2008


First, can you let me know what you’ve been doing with yourself since your time in the NFL?

Well, I’m pretty much retired now. I oversee real estate and construction for a company. I make sure they do what they re supposed to do and help handle payroll.

How hard was that post-NFL adjustment for you?

Oh yeah it was hard. Just after winning a Super Bowl too. I wanted to be part of that process again, but I didn’t get an opportunity. It was hard to deal with. Hard to swallow. There is always something to remind you of the game too. Constant reminders – TV or something on the news. It was hard to digest. Hard to accept.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Defensive Lineman Orpheus Roye, 1996-1999, 2008”


Exclusive wth Former Bengals Defensive Lineman Ross Browner


First, I know you’ve gone through more of your fair share of heath issues. How are you doing now?

Well, I’m 67 now. I’m doing well now. I realized that there were some things I could have done differently when I played – to take care of my body more.  I played through pain a lot of times. You know, like when they ask you how many fingers they have up the then throw you back in the game.

The equipment and artificial turf – we didn’t have the rubber fields then – it was concrete. We were the testers of that stuff then and our bodies went through a lot.

Continue reading “Exclusive wth Former Bengals Defensive Lineman Ross Browner”


Exclusive with Former Bengals Offensive Lineman Anthony Munoz


First, let us know what you’re doing with yourself since you retired from the NFL?

So this is my 28th year out of the league. My first seven years I did broadcasting for the NFL then became an analyst for college football games and went on to ESPN. I retired from the NFL when my kids were nine and 11. When the first went to college at Tennessee I retired from broadcasting so I could go and see every home and away game he played.

Now, I do broadcasting for the Bengals preseason games.

I also started the Anthony Munoz Foundation and have a couple of small businesses I help manage, including a corporate apparel company.

I also work with the NFL’s Hall of Fame programs and do a lot of public speaking as well – I enjoy that. Plus, I have nine grandchildren!

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Bengals Offensive Lineman Anthony Munoz”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Linebacker Sean Spence, 2012-2015, 2017


First, can you let me know a little about what you’ve been up to since your playing career?

I’m here at home, being a stay-at-home dad. I’m enjoying watching my kids – watching them grow up.

How as the post-NFL adjustment been? Healthy?

It hasn’t been hard really. Two or three years ago it was harder – not like I was staying up at night in cold sweats, but it was harder being away from the game. I played football since I was six years old and now it’s gone. So that’s the most challenging part – just being away from the game.

And yeah, I’m in good health now.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Linebacker Sean Spence, 2012-2015, 2017”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver/Tight End Warren Seitz, 1986


First, let us know what you’ve been doing with yourself since your time in the NFL?

Well, after Pittsburgh I played briefly for the Giants and then went back home to Topeka, Kansas. My brother-in-law got me into coaching and I got my teaching certificate. My family and wife’s family were in Topeka so it all made sense. I was a coaching assistant for five years then got a job as a head coach at my alma mater. I coached there for 15 years and started up a baseball program there.

In 2007 I went to Moberly, Missouri – which wasn’t that far from Topeka – and became their football coach and athletic director there.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver/Tight End Warren Seitz, 1986”


Exclusive with Former Raiders Defensive Lineman Otis Sistrunk


First, can you let us know some of the things you got involved with since your time in the NFL?

There’s not much to do now with Covid – just staying at home really. But after football I worked for the military for 35 years doing charity work for them – helping with the Special Olympics and the school.

You also got involved in professional wrestling – how did that happen?

I needed a job! I was living in Virginia Beach and met the owner of the wrestling company there. He told me he thought I could be good at wrestling. I went to the wrestling school and got in shape – learned how to wrestle. I enjoyed it but I was on the road every day. It was too much traveling, I could do all the stuff and liked it, it was just too much time on the road.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Raiders Defensive Lineman Otis Sistrunk”


Exclusive with former Raiders Fullback Mark van Eaghen


First, can you let me know what you’ve been up to since your time in the NFL?

I have eight grandkids within a quarter mile of where I live so that’s nice.

My last two offseasons in the NFL I worked part-time, training to be a commercial real estate agent. I sold business insurance after football and got myself ready for that before I retired. Day one after football I got a job doing that and worked as an agent for 30 years!

Was the post-NFL transition difficult – it sounds like you had a good plan?

I eased into it fairly well. After 10 years I knew I couldn’t – or at least shouldn’t – do it anymore. After Colgate – well, let’s put it this way – when you go to Colgate you don’t go thinking you’re going to get drafted in the NFL, for obvious reasons. But four years later I got drafted, and I said “Ok. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”  I figured the worst that could happen was I didn’t make the team. It wouldn’t have been an embarrassment if I didn’t.  Continue reading “Exclusive with former Raiders Fullback Mark van Eaghen”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Ballboy/Equipment Assistant Sam Ference, 2012-2015


First, can you let me know what you’re doing with yourself now?

I graduated from RMU and am an actuarial analyst for a company here in Pittsburgh. I live in Bethel Park with my fiancee’ and puppy – we just bought a new house so we’re getting settled in nicely here.

I’ve been a Steelers fan all of my life!

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Ballboy/Equipment Assistant Sam Ference, 2012-2015”


Exclusive with Former Buffalo and Cleveland Offensive Lineman Joe DeLamielleure


First, can you let us know what you’ve been doing since your time playing football?

Once I got out of football I coached high school football for five years  then college for seven years. After I made the Hall of Fame in 2003 I decided to stop. I loved coaching for Sam Rutigliano – I did that for two years at Liberty. At Duke I was the line coach for five years – it was brutal. You are in an office most of the day and the days run from 7:30 am to 9:00 at night. With a break to work with players in between. I told my wife that I had to figure something else out.

That’s when I started working with Scott Peters – the line coach in Cleveland – and Mike Pollack – we started Tip of the Spear. We coach a new way for linemen to block. Instead of hands, head, butt, it’s hands, butt, head. It’s more effective – it’s what Cleveland did to Pittsburgh last year. And it’s safer for players. We used to be taught to lead with your head – to get your head into someone’s chest. Once the facemask was invented that’s what linemen were taught. It caused concussions and all sorts of problems and wasn’t as effective.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Buffalo and Cleveland Offensive Lineman Joe DeLamielleure”


Exclusive with Former Buffalo Bills Quarterback Joe Ferguson


First, can you let me know what you got into after football?

Well, I went into real estate and did that for 25 years in Northwest Arkansas. I did some coaching as well at Arkansas and Louisiana Tech. That’s pretty much what I’ve done. I’m retired now and live in Texas.

Why Texas?

There was a lake I always wanted to live near. It has the best bass fishing in the state. I decided that’s where I wanted to live. Of course it’s been the worst bass fishing year here!

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Buffalo Bills Quarterback Joe Ferguson”
