Exclusive with Former Cleveland Browns Defensive Lineman Jerry Sherk


First, tell us about what you’ve been doing with yourself since your time in the NFL?

I’m in the youth and adult mentoring business – I’ve been doing that for 25 years now. I played for 12 years before I retired – started a photography business after I retired but that was only for a short while.

The transition was wasn’t easy. It’s never easy for players – so I ended up also helping to consult with other players to help them. I went back to school after I retired and studied psychology because of the transition difficulty then worked with schools and helped consult for the state of California.

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Exclusive with Browns Cornerback Hanford Dixon


First, let me know what you’ve been doing since your time in the NFL?

Well right now I’m doing the pregame show for the Browns TV network, We do an hour-and-a-half live show from the field on gamedays and in the studio for away games.

I’ve also been a real estate broker in the Cleveland area for 16 years and love it. And, I’m affiliated with the JACK Casino here in Cleveland as well.

Was the post-NFL adjustment difficult?

It hasn’t been tough really. All NFL players should know you have to give it up eventually – it doesn’t last a lifetime. It’s not forever. The average playing time is four years – I played nine years and knew while I played that I wanted to jump into real estate when I was done. That and radio and TV.

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Exclusive with Former Steelers Punter Drew Butler, 2012-2013


First, I know you’ve been very involved in the media business even while you played, and especially now. How did that start for you?

Certainly. I always had a real passion for broadcasting. I got my journalism degree at Georgia which is one of the best schools for that in the country. I wanted to get a degree in broadcast journalism but playing football required a lot of my time and I couldn’t get the broadcasting credit hours I’d need to do that while I played, so I became a telecommunications major – focusing on the business side of the media business.

As a player I always had a lot of respect for media guys, but I knew as a punter I had to deal with the stigma of having to prove my worth, and that held true. I met with my agent while I was in Pittsburgh and he told me I should get involved and do radio before I retired – so I did that, writing – all to help give me the chances I have now.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Punter Drew Butler, 2012-2013”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Linebacker Ken Woodard, 1987


First, I know you just went back and finished your degree at Tuskegee. What made you decide to do so?

I always wanted to do it. I speak to the kids-  speak to my kids  – explaining the importance of a degree. I was a late round pick out of Tuskegee and there’s a lot that needs to happen to make you able to get drafted by an NFL team. It takes a lot to get there – I didn’t have the chance to finish getting my degree before I was drafted.

But, I was tired of telling people I attended Tuskegee instead of saying I graduated from Tuskegee. And I had too much competition once I got to the NFL to be able to go back and spend time getting my degree.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Linebacker Ken Woodard, 1987”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Tight End Xavier Grimble, 2016-2019


First, what’s been the plan for you and what’s been going on lately?

Well, I’ve been working out and staying in shape – training every day. I just had my first son – he was born November 30th.

So sleeping well!

Ha yeah!  I’m staying in shape – staying optimistic. I still love the game and get up every morning at six am to lift and train – doing what I normally would do and just trying to see what will happen next.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Tight End Xavier Grimble, 2016-2019”


Exclusive with Former Oilers Quarterback Dan Pastorini on the Houston-Steelers Rivalry


First, can you update us a bit on what you’ve been doing with yourself since your time in the NFL?

Well, I’m doing several things. I’m consulting – helping companies with new business development – law firms, structured settlements – I help those businesses. I also have a spice business I’ve been running for six-to-seven years now. These were spices developed by my dad who had a restaurant in California – he was one of the best chefs and butchers I ever met in my life.

That’s all kept me busy.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Oilers Quarterback Dan Pastorini on the Houston-Steelers Rivalry”


Exclusive with Aimee Kimball, Player Development Specialist for Steelers, Penguins


First, can you let me know how you got started in this profession and why?

I knew I wanted to get into mental training and sports psychology since I was in high school. All my education after that was about that. I interned then with Kevin Elko, who worked on profiling some of the Steelers draft picks at the time.

What did you learn from him?

Just seeing someone do it in real life. I saw the process. He also did motivational speaking – group talks – and I was able to sit in on those as well. I learned how to understand what different teams look for – what personality characteristics were most important to them.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Aimee Kimball, Player Development Specialist for Steelers, Penguins”


Exclusive with Former Houston Oilers DC/Head Coach Ed Biles


First, tell me how it’s going with you now and what you’ve been up to since your NFL days?

Well, I turned 88 last month and I’m just here enjoying life. I golf two days a week and play cards two days a week with some old buddies. I moved into a retirement community and I’ve been happy with that. I’m enjoying my family – my kids and grandkids. Whatever I have left in life, I’ll enjoy those days that I have left!

Let’s talk Houston and how you landed there as a coach?

I coached with the Jets under Eubanks. I knew he was retiring and knew who they were giving the job to next. I didn’t really think that guy would be successful and it turns out I was right. I called Sid Gillman – I knew he was putting together a coaching staff and he hired me.

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Exclusive with Former Steelers Center Pat Killorin, 1966


First, can you let me know what you’ve bee doing since your time in the NFL?

I started my own food safety company – we ended up serving over 25,000 stores across the United States. We handled food safety and sanitation and did that until 2008 when I sold the business. I did some consulting work in the field after that for a bit then a couple of years ago I started up a couple of other small businesses.

How did you get involved in that?

I got started by working with my former Syracuse coach who was in the business. I looked into what the future would hold for businesses – did some research and saw  that there was a need in the food safety area as more people got sick from food issues – so I delved into that. He took me under his wing and and taught me everything about the food safety business and I became a food safety inspector after that until I started my own company.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Center Pat Killorin, 1966”


Exclusive with Tom Chaffee and David Russek on The Chief movie and NFT


First off, can you tell me how The Chief FC NFT process began and how it works?

Tom (Executive Producer & CEO, The Chief Partners): David and I had known one another over the past 10 years through other media properties. Over the past year or so I became aware of NFT’s and digital collectibles and became interested in them. I was interested in seeing how I could move the Chief into a digital NFT format – not just streaming video. I did some exploration on my own and as I was doing that research I reached out to David since he was in that space. He responded right away. Entre.One has been a leader and has been pioneering in the NFT ecosystem, having created the first shown video NFT in the industry – that’s how we got where we are today.

David (CEO & Founder, Entre.One) : NFTs are quickly becoming what the internet was in the 90’s. I lived through the beginning of the computer and video-audio ages – I helped launch QuickTime. I was lucky enough to live through CD-ROMs, the internet and social networking. As NFT activity unfolded, we decided what our entry point would be. We saw it could add greater value to fan engagement besides the streaming videos – it was something fans could acquire, have social utility and value built over time.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Tom Chaffee and David Russek on The Chief movie and NFT”
