Arthur Moats: “Of course Butler coached under LeBeau and was molded by him. From a situational standpoint though they could be different, LeBeau would have 40-50 playcalls a game and if you didn’t know them you didn’t play. Butler would adjust more. Sometimes players couldn’t keep up and he’d have as little as 10 playcalls a game.”
Clark Haggans: “Coach Butler – we called him Butts – his meeting room was always down to work. He had a lot of, let’s just say colorful characters like Deebo, Joey, Foote, Kendrell Bell. He used to tell us we’d be the death of him. He was always stressed out. We would tease him about when he played in Seattle – make fun of him about guys running him over when he played. We didn’t even know if that really happened. He also liked to brag a lot about his golf game.
He wasn’t always about football though – sometimes he’d just give us common sense lessons about life. It wasn’t just about football, and that helped me. I needed days like that. And he’d have those expressions – “I need dogs that will hunt!” Joey had his too – he always said he was “6’3″, 250 pounds, I’m the prototype linebacker. They made me in a factory!” Like he was Robocop!”
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