Exclusive with former Steelers Defensive Lineman Kenny Davidson, 1990-1993


First, can you let me know what you’ve been doing since your time in the NFL?

Since I’ve been out of football, I got involved in investment banking, helping small to mid-sized companies go public. I’ve also done some coaching for my son’s little league team. He’s 16 now – so I’m also enjoying being a dad.

We’re all dealing with Corona – my wife is a speech pathologist and she and my son are online a lot right now doing virtual learning. So I’m helping out all I can with that too.

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Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Ricky Martin, 1981


First, can you let me know what you’ve been up to since your playing days?

I’m an underwriter now for the mortgage industry. I’ve been doing that pretty much since I’ve been out of football. My first few years I was in loan processing and then dabbled as a loan officer before getting into underwriting.

I also coached high school football at a local high school here from 2008 to 2018. I was the offensive coordinator and worked with the wide receivers and quarterbacks there at Channel Islands High School. In fact one of my players, Jeremiah Valoaga, made it to the NFL

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Exclusive with Ed Reynolds NFL Legends Community Director of the Northeast Region


Can you let me know how you got involved with the NFL front office initially?

I was retired for three years when a former teammate recommended me for a job there with Gene Washington in the league front office. He was working on game operations and needed an assistant director. I interviewed for that job and started working for him.

One of my main tasks was to work with teams on uniform code violations, and we launched the high school coach of the week program. We also started a college relations program where we’d go to the colleges and talk to the athletic directors to see what they’d like us to talk to their athletes about. Gambling, drinking…there were a myriad of things we could talk about that were relevant to their schools. We wanted to help show colleges that we weren’t interested in taking kids away from college. Our rule is unique in that you have to be three years out of high school before you can sign with an NFL team. Three years is a long time – you really have to go to college to play.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Ed Reynolds NFL Legends Community Director of the Northeast Region”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Tight End Vance McDonald, 2017-2020


First, let me know what you’ve been up to since retirement – I know Hidden Meadow Retreat is a big focus.

Yeah. The retreat was always a big focus since I thought about what I would do post-football. In 2017 my wife and I started praying and asking God how to use us. I knew football was a means to an end – it wouldn’t last forever. When football ended I didn’t just want to sit around and be a consumer. I wanted to give back in a unique way.

I thought about it – reflected and prayed on it. I realized after speaking to pastors and Christian leaders that they were getting burned out. There are so many incredible people doing great things but they weren’t getting enough support.

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Exclusive with Steelers Defensive Lineman Montravius Adams


First off, what’s the offseason plan for you?

Honestly, I just hope to be up in Pittsburgh most of the time during the offseason. It depends on the next couple of steps with the contract discussions. Just some little things. Hopefully it all goes well and is done soon.

I just expect to be working out with Cam, TJ, Tyson and those guys. Working with all of them hopefully.

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Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Stahle’ Vincent, 1972-1973


First, can you let me know what you’ve been up to since your playing days?

After football, I went into business with my brother and another partner – we had two men’s retail clothing stores. But I soon realized that just wasn’t for me.

I wrote to Rawlings Sporting Goods – they had just launched a management training program so my timing was good. They hired me and I became a sales manager in the DC area, working with wholesalers, calling on colleges, pro teams and high schools. I ran into a lot of guys I played with and against in college and the NFL there.

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Exclusive with Steelers Defensive Back Tre Norwood


First off, what are your offseason plans – how are you approaching the offseason?

For me, this is my first offseason. The biggest thing for me is to go back home and be with my family and take some time off. Let my body rest. Then, it’s back to working out and preparing for a big year two.

So nothing crazy – just working out and being with the family.

What have the coaches asked you to work on in your exit interviews – anything specific?

From the first couple, just working on gaining strength. It’s a 17-game season – at minimum. Just getting bigger and stronger to bolster my strength for a long season.

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Steelers Players Comments on Keith Butler


Arthur Moats: “Of course Butler coached under LeBeau and was molded by him. From a situational standpoint though they could be different, LeBeau would have 40-50 playcalls a game and if you didn’t know them you didn’t play. Butler would adjust more. Sometimes players couldn’t keep up and he’d have as little as 10 playcalls a game.”

Clark Haggans:Coach Butler – we called him Butts – his meeting room was always down to work. He had a lot of, let’s just say colorful characters like Deebo, Joey, Foote, Kendrell Bell. He used to tell us we’d be the death of him. He was always stressed out. We would tease him about when he played in Seattle – make fun of him about guys running him over when he played. We didn’t even know if that really happened. He also liked to brag a lot about his golf game.

He wasn’t always about football though – sometimes he’d just give us common sense lessons about life. It wasn’t just about football, and that helped me. I needed days like that. And he’d have those expressions – “I need dogs that will hunt!” Joey had his too – he always said he was “6’3″, 250 pounds, I’m the prototype linebacker. They made me in a factory!” Like he was Robocop!”

Continue reading “Steelers Players Comments on Keith Butler”


Exclusive with Steelers Tight End Kevin Rader


First, what’s the offseason looking like for you – what’s the plan?

The process for me is to take a month off and let my body rehab – let those bruises get back to normal. Then, it’s back to the grind. A lot of lifting and running – you name it. I just want to take a step up from last season – to take a bigger step in my special teams play and and get more opportunities in the offensive part of the game – to get more reps there.

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Exclusive with Steelers Defensive Lineman Daniel Archibong


First, tell me how the season went for you?

It was a great one – no complaints. I am grateful to be blessed to have stayed with the team the whole season. With free agency and the way the crazy season has gone, a lot of guys are released and go all over the country. I was blessed to be able to stay in Pittsburgh the whole season.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Defensive Lineman Daniel Archibong”
