R.I.P. Clark Haggans


Clark Haggans: “I was happy I was drafted – and to go and see Joey there with open arms. They should have played that Reunited song. I had no idea about the process. I didn’t know what the process was if you got cut – I asked Joey when they’d let me know. When I didn’t get a call I asked Joey what to do – that they didn’t call me and tell me I made the team. He told me they didn’t do that and laughed, I asked what to do now, and he told me to “Show up for practice Monday, fool!” The rest was history.

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Exclusive with Ron Wahl, Steelers Communications Coordinator, 1998-2005


First, can you let me know what you’re up to now?

Currently, I’m the Marketng and Communications Director here at the Greensburg YMCA – I’ve been here since last July. After I left the Steelers I worked in sales at Mohawk Industries selling flooring. But I always knew I wanted to get back into PR. I’ve been consulting as well since 2005 with ISM USA – they do signature sports events in Pittsburgh – the Three Rivers Regatta, the Bass Challenge… Our CEO moved to Florida and he worked with the Pirates when they got ingrained in Bradenton to build that major riverwalk they have there on the Manatee River. They looked for programming around that so we did the regatta there now for eight years as well.

But now I’m at the YMCA full-time. It’s close to home, and while it doesn’t pay like working for the Steelers did, I get the chance to give back to my community and do some charity work, which is important to me.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Ron Wahl, Steelers Communications Coordinator, 1998-2005”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Offensive Lineman Hans Wiederkehr, 1985-1986


First, can you tell me a bit about your post-NFL coaching career and how you got started?

When I was out of the Steelers I was offered an assistant coaching job at Babylon High School in New York. When the head coach retired I took his job and coached 17 years there. Then I retired so I could coach my son who’s now at Northwestern.

Any insight you were able to offer your son as a former NFL player?

Oh he’s much smarter than I ever was! The game has changed so much since I played. I was just fortunate to play with some great guys like Webster, Ilkin, Rasmussen, Long…they were great guys. They – and Noll – there’s just not enough nice things I can say about those guys.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Offensive Lineman Hans Wiederkehr, 1985-1986”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receivers Coach Bob Bratkowski, 1999-2000


First, can you let me know what you’ve been up to lately?

Well, I retired in 2017. We built our home here in Florida in 2017. I did some work with Pro Football Focus and helped them early on with their player evaluations – working on the film evaluation to see if I see things the same way they did.

We lost our home a few years ago to a forest fire – we lost everything from our 42 years of marriage – game balls, pictures, mementos…. But we rebuilt the house and moved back in 2021. Now we’re enjoying being retired. We go to the beach often, I do some fundraisers, and spend time with my wife and going to the beach. My kids come down with our grandkids and we enjoy that time too.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receivers Coach Bob Bratkowski, 1999-2000”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Running Back Brandon Brown-Dukes, 2016-2017


First, can you let me know what you’ve been up to since your playing days?

I own my own roofing company here in Orlando and also work with ABC Supply Company – doing construction and supply. I also coach a few youth sports football teams and work with Football University – I coach the All-Star team here in Naples.

Find yourself falling back on the lessons from coaches you had as a player?

Definitely. Mike T., obviously. What he taught is a big part of what I do now. It’s crazy, I’m working with 10 year-olds now – that’s younger than I’m used to and it’s challenging but fun. They are less receptive to things at that age, but I can walk by and give them a good Mike T. saying and that stays with them.  Mike T. used to walk by us when we were stretching and warming up and joke around with us, but be serious too. Sort of tell us serious messages in a joking way so we were more receptive to it. That makes it easier that way and that’s something I adopted and do when I’m talking to kids now.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Running Back Brandon Brown-Dukes, 2016-2017”


Exclusive with Sports Consultant Charlotte Heyward-Wesley


First, I know you have your hands in a lot of different ventures. Can you first tell me about the upcoming Its3rdand1 podcast – guests, what brought on the idea, etc.?

I decided on doing the podcast because it was another venue to share the world of sports with people from a different perspective. Everything is so polarized now – politics and war… but we’re all human and all put our pants on the same way. We all go though challenges in life and I wanted to share that.

People look at athletes and coaches and think “Wow – they are so lucky!”  But they don’t know the challenges they go though in their everyday lives.

I called the podcast “Third and 1” because we all have points in our lives when we are faced with challenges. If you’re the offense it’s time to push forward and reset your downs, and for the defense to hold and get off the field.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Sports Consultant Charlotte Heyward-Wesley”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Linebacker Jordan Zumwalt, 2014-2015


First off, can you let me know what you’ve been up to since your playing days?

I’ve had quite a few chapters since then! I got married and had two kids. My girlfriend, now wife, and I traveled the world together then got married and moved up North near where her family lives.

For three years I was in medical device sales then went to another medical device sales company for another year. Now for the past two years I’ve been off work, exploring some entrepreneurial options – some products I’ve been working on. While I’ve been off work I got heavily into tournament paintball – I’ve played with Dynasty who is the best team in the world. I needed something keep my adrenaline going. From that I ended up creating a product for paintball – Dynasty is even supporting it. It’s just taking forever! I’m lucky to have a supportive and amazing wife!

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Linebacker Jordan Zumwalt, 2014-2015”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Cornerback Rodney “Rock” Richmond, 1987


First, can you let me know what you’ve been up to since your playing days?

I’m a realtor now. Before that I did some coaching at the high school and junior college level.

Anyone help influence the way you coached?

Oh of course, yeah. My Junior college coach John Becker did – he later became a scout for the Rams. He showed me the discipline part of the game. I never played football in high school – I played just a few games. I was lucky that when I went to junior college I became an All-American there. He and Harry Welch, who was a legend in the Northern California area. Those two taught me the discipline part of the game.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Cornerback Rodney “Rock” Richmond, 1987″


Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Chris Collins, 2004


First, can you let me know what you’ve been up to since your time in the NFL?

I’ve been working all over the country and world doing off-shore oil and gas drilling. Since I left Pittsburgh I’ve been all over the world – Africa, Korea….that’s what I’ve been into now – for over 16 years.

I’m sure you’ve seen some amazing things – anything stand out?

I’ve seen all kinds of stuff. You learn about the different cultures and things you’re not accustomed to, but you have to adapt to their culture. You’re visiting their home. But you learn a lot.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Wide Receiver Chris Collins, 2004”


Exclusive with Steelers Cornerback Luq Barcoo


First, what made you decide to sign with the Steelers over the Browns and Cowboys?

My agent and I talked and we saw a big window of opportunity there. I know they drafted a cornerback in the second round but, especially long-term, I think there’s an open competition for a roster spot there.

Lots of San Diego State guys there right – four total? What does that do for you?

It makes the atmosphere more comfortable – seeing guys I played with when I got to camp was a good feeling. It gave me the chance to rekindle those bonds and it’s been fun hanging out with them, even outside of football.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Cornerback Luq Barcoo”
