Carey Davis, Steelers Fullback, 2007-2009


First, what are you doing with yourself now and how much do you miss the game?

I recently participated in a career transition program that helps NFL players work on ideas for their next career.  I’ve been speaking at high schools as well as helping coach a local high school football team.  I miss the game a lot but I miss the time spent hanging with my teammates on and off the field more.

What do you think of the  more pass oriented game/rules  of the NFL. Has it improved or worsened the game?

Well I’m a fullback so I love to see a great running game.  I think that fans enjoy seeing the ball being tossed around, but in my opinion, in order to be successful you need to do both effectively.

I think that the fullback is a great asset for a running game.  You have to think like a running back and make the same decision and cuts that he is going to make.  Playing running back early in my career helped me understand which holes and who I should be blocking as a fullback.  It helped me understand where he wanted to go with the ball.

Right now everyone likes to spread the defense out.  I think you will see more of a traditional two back set offense in the next few years.

How was Cowher to play for? What do you think set him apart as a coach?

I came to Pittsburgh in Coach Cowhers’ last year.  I didn’t know that it would be his last year coaching there, but it was a great honor and privilege to play for a coach that has had so much success in the NFL.  I think the thing that set Coach Cowher apart from most people is that he held everyone to the same standard.  It didn’t matter if you were the first man on the roster or the last man on the practice squad.  He expected everyone to play at a high level.

He was just nominated for the HOF. Should he make it? Do you think he’ll return as a coach?

I definitely think he should be in the HOF.  He coached a lot of great teams in Pittsburgh with HOF players and future HOF players.  I think his resume speaks for itself.   I’m not sure if he’ll return to coaching.  There is a lot of stress in coaching.  He may be enjoying his time away from it.

Who mentored you in your first years in NFL. And how?

My rookie year was in Indianapolis.  Two of the guys that really showed me the ropes were actually linebackers not running backs.  Gary Brackett and Cato June helped me in my transition from college to the pros.  They were both in their second year and helped me with things I should and shouldn’t be doing.  Gary was an undrafted rookie like me so he helped me understand what to expect and how hard I would have to work being an undrafted rookie.  Cato and I had a connection from playing against each other in the Big Ten.  He also guided me in the right direction

How did you prove yourself as a rookie? Especially as an undrafted player? Was there any “hazing” you had to endure?

As an undrafted rookie you just have to go out everyday and play hard.  There were times when older guys would get mad but I’d just tell them “Hey I’m trying to get a job.”  It was extremely important to know your playbook because if you can’t understand that, then you won’t get on the field.

One of the times that I remember very well was the first game of the year.  We were going to play New England at New England.  As a rookie it was my job to bring the chicken.  Edgerrin James, Dominic Rhodes, and James Mungro had me to spend over $100 on chicken.  I should have known there was no way four people could eat that much chicken but that’s what they said they wanted.

When I got on the plane holding all the food, each one of them was eating a sandwich from some restaurant.  I asked them did they want the chicken and Edgerrin just laughed and said no I have food already.  I tried to give it away to other teammates but I ended up flying to New England with five or six bags of chicken in the seat next to me.

What would surprise fans about those teams you played on?

I think people would be surprised how close everyone was.  That was one of the first things I noticed when I got to Pittsburgh.  It didn’t matter if you were offense, defense or special teams.  It was more like a family instead of a football team.  Just a great group of men on and off the field

Who were the locker room leaders and guys that kept everyone focused? How did they do so – any good stories/examples?

James Farrior and Hines were two people that kept things in line.  Offensively Hines would stand up in front of us and speak his mind about different things.  Good and bad. I remember Hines telling us in the locker room to start watching how you spend your money.  It was the end of the season and since we don’t get paid in the off-season he was just reminding us to scale back.  That was important for me to hear as a younger guy, still in my third year in the league.

What NFL  moment stands out the most to you and why?

My most memorable moment with out a doubt is being a part of a Super Bowl winning team.  As a kid those are the things that you dream about.  To have your dream become a reality is an amazing feeling.

The rivalry between the Steelers and Baltimore is such a great one. How did you approach those games and how much dislike -and respect – was shared between the two teams? Any examples that you remember that help show this?

I think there is a mutual respect for one another, but once you get on the field all that goes out the window.  Coach T would always say the toughest team would win the game. Both physically and mentally.  Most times that’s what it boiled down to.  There were a lot of hard hits in those games and we tried to make sure that we were the team hitting the hardest.

Any last thoughts for readers?
I really enjoyed my time in Pittsburgh.  It’s a blue-collar city with a blue-collar team.  The fans in Pittsburgh are truly the best in the country.  Whether win or lose they love their Steelers.  It makes for a great environment to play in and I am truly thankful for that opportunity.

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One thought on “Carey Davis, Steelers Fullback, 2007-2009”

  1. He was my wife’s favorite player when she first started becoming a Steelers fan. He was great to her at training camp. Miss you Carey!

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