Exclusive with Steelers Linebacker Dick Lasse, 1958-1959


First, can you let readers know what you did with yourself after the NFL and how hard that adjustment was for you?

Well I got my degree in education so went into teaching and did a little coaching as well. After that I retired.

I wasn’t hard at all for me. I knew what I wanted to do before I became a football player, so I was fine.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Linebacker Dick Lasse, 1958-1959”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Offensive Line Coach Irv Eatman, 2000


First, tell me what you’re doing with yourself now? I know you’re involved in a number of things.

As far as professionally, I’m predominantly working with two organizations. I volunteer at CASA – a child advocacy organization here in San Antonio. We help children who have been displaced or abused and advocate for their needs. There are chapters throughout the United States – I work with the one here in San Antonio. We’re state sanctioned court appointed volunteers. We try to speak to the needs of these children. Whether they should be placed back home, in adoption, whatever the need is.

So often, kids need help that get forgotten – things like eye exams when they struggle n school. The focus is often so much on the adults. But there are 8,000 displaced kids in my county in San Antonio alone.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Offensive Line Coach Irv Eatman, 2000”


Exclusive with Chet Fuhrman, Steelers Conditioning Coordinator, 1992-2007


First, can you let us know what you’ve been doing since your time in Pittsburgh?

When I left Pittsburgh I went on to coach high school a little bit at North Allegheny in Pittsburgh. I coached football and wrestling. I also had the thrill of coaching for Marty Schottenheimer in the UFL. I never coached against him in the NFL but he coached after he retired from the NFL in the UFL. Coach Cowher hooked me up with him and I could see why he was a Hall of Fame coach.

I was blessed to work with great coaches. My high school coach Coach Minnick, Joe Paterno at Penn State, Cowher, and then to work with Marty. It was a big thrill. It was a great season for me. I coached tight ends and strength and conditioning. If I closed my eyes I wouldn’t have known if it were Marty or Coach Cowher talking. They both gave great talks. There were so many things Bill said that emulated Marty. And I can see why now.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Chet Fuhrman, Steelers Conditioning Coordinator, 1992-2007”


Exclusive with Steelers Running Back Russell Davis, 1979-1983


First, can you let me know what you’ve been doing since your time in the NFL?

I’ve been retired from working in the public school system in Jackson, Michigan since 2010. I was the Athletic Director and Principal when I left.

Since then I’ve been a granddad. That’s my role now in the family, to babysit my five grand babies. They are all here in Michigan so I get to see them weekly. Continue reading “Exclusive with Steelers Running Back Russell Davis, 1979-1983”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Safety Darren Perry, 1992-1998, Steelers Coach, 2003-2006


First, I know you just recently stepped down from coaching in Green Bay, What’s next?

Well, I haven’t ruled out going back to coaching yet. I know there was talk of me coaching in the new league but that won’t happen. At no time have I considered that.

Right now I’m doing some contracting – property management. Keeping my options open.

It’s been great reconnecting with my family. Decompressing. I’m realizing there is much more to life than just football.  When you’re playing and even moreso when you’re coaching, you think football is the only thing that matters. Now I’m seeing first hand the difference. I just took my daughter to school at Penn State for her first year there. I never got to do that with my first two daughters. I always felt bad – this opportunity made me feel how special it was to get back to the real world. When you play and coach it’s always a grind. You’re thinking about ball all the time, even when you’re at home.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Safety Darren Perry, 1992-1998, Steelers Coach, 2003-2006”


Exclusive with Mexico Steelers Play by Play Announcer Fernando Von Rossum


First,  tell us how you got started as a broadcaster for the Steelers?

Well, let me tell you a little story. My dad broadcasted NFL games more than 50 years ago. I followed in his footsteps. I started over 30 years ago – since I was in college. I was doing TV broadcasting and all of those other broadcasters got the chance to work with my dad, and I never had. So I got the rights to do radio broadcasting from the stadiums. Now we’re the only radio network from Mexico to broadcast from the stadium.

Continue reading “Exclusive with Mexico Steelers Play by Play Announcer Fernando Von Rossum”


Exclusive with former Steelers Safety Solomon Wilcots, 1992


First, can you tell me a bit about what you’re up to now in your broadcasting career and how you got started?

Well, I have a dual career. I have a production company – I’m in my 18th year of doing that – called Wisdom Productions. I also of course have my broadcasting career which started at the local level in 1994.

Continue reading “Exclusive with former Steelers Safety Solomon Wilcots, 1992”


Exclusive with Carlton Haselrig, Steelers OL, 1989-1993


First, tell me a bit about what you’re doing with yourself now since your time in the NFL?

Well, I’m coaching at Pitt-Johnstown – the defensive coordinator there for a semi0pro team. I’ve been having fun coaching my son all the way up to his senior year. I’m also a coach for the wrestling team here too.

Who really helped inspire the way you approach coaching and how?

I’ve been fortunate to play under some top-notch coaches like Noll and Cowher. I liked Coach Noll, and also had Ron Blackledge as my offensive line coach and Joe Greene as my defensive line coach. So I was around some good coaches and used the things they taught me as a coach now. Continue reading “Exclusive with Carlton Haselrig, Steelers OL, 1989-1993”


Exclusive with Former Steelers Cornerback Josh Victorian, 2012-2013


First, tell me how the AFL is going for you – and what you like about playing for the Baltimore team?

My time here has been awesome. I’ve been here for two years now. Unfortunately we had a tough ending to the season last year – we lost in the Arena Bowl Championship. But we made great strides since we were 4-12 the year before. We’re building something special here!

Continue reading “Exclusive with Former Steelers Cornerback Josh Victorian, 2012-2013”


Exclusive with former Steelers Quarterback Dennis Dixon, 2008-2011


First, tell me about the Flag Football League – how did you got involved and what do you like about it now?

Well, it all started because of my work with Nike and Ralph Green. He brought it to me.  I was hesitant at first, but when he threw out names like Michael Vick and Terrell Owens, I was interested. I was all about getting back on the gridiron. So with all of those Hall of Famers, why not?

Continue reading “Exclusive with former Steelers Quarterback Dennis Dixon, 2008-2011”
