First, let me know what you’ve been doing since your time playing pro football?
Well, I’ve worked for 35 years in the financial services industry. I started with Smith Barney and it’s now Morgan Stanley – but I’ve been sitting in the same seat. I’m fortunate – life has bene good to me.
Was the post-football adjustment difficult?
It’s funny – when you first reached out, I thought – who wants to talk to me about playing 50 years ago! I started thinking back to myself – I didn’t accomplish all that I hoped in the NFL. I was converted to a strong safety my rookie year then came back and ended up playing outside linebacker for the Eagles before they cut me too. But looking back, I think maybe God did me a favor. I look at some of those guys now who played a long time, and I see all of their medical issues from playing the game.
It was tough at first – you have goals you set out and then you have to reset them. That takes a while to find out what you want to do next and now you’re behind other people in their careers. But, it ended well for me. It’s been good.
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