Steve Fedell, Steelers Linebacker, 1981-1982


First, can you let readers know what you’ve been doing since your time in the NFL  -how you got started in this venture and how your time in the NFL helped you?

Shortly after my athletic career ended I got involved in the office equipment industry selling printing and copying technology for a local company, Allegheny Business Machines.  ABM was purchased by IKON Office Solutions of which Ricoh bought in 2008.  I’m currently an executive with Ricoh responsible for the Northeast Region and approximately $1.1b in revenue.

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John Malecki, Steelers Offensive Lineman, 2011-2013


First, can you let readers what you know what you are doing with yourself these days and about your new custom build business venture?

Recently, myself and former teammate Baron Batch have opened up a studio in Homestead Pa called Studio AM. We are an advertising agency that does everything in house. We do branding and marketing as well as web page design and interior design and merchandising. We also make salsa and are in the works to do catering and high-end private dinners.

Continue reading “John Malecki, Steelers Offensive Lineman, 2011-2013”


Ryan McBean, Steelers Defensive Lineman, 2007


First, can you let readers know what the Right At Home business- how you got started and what your role is there?

Right At Home, is locally owned Franchise, of Right At Home Inc, Our office is located in the North Dallas Metroplex which assists seniors and disabled adults, who need further care in their home. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for those we serve.

My grandmother played a influential role in my life, and in her final years I hired a caregiver to assist her with her daily needs. After she passed, I decided I wanted to play a role in my local community in which I grew up and played football, and bring a sense of peace and joy, to those in need like my grandmother.

Continue reading “Ryan McBean, Steelers Defensive Lineman, 2007”


Zamir Cobb, Steelers Wide Receiver, 2004


First, can you let readers know about Players Trust – what it is, and what you do for the program as Program Manager?

The Trust is an organization committed to the overall health and well- being of all former players. With customized gameplans (goals and objectives), The Trust meets each former player where he is in his transition. In other words, we understand that the needs and interest of each player is unique and, as such, the approach to second career success is individualized. Through partnerships we provide access to career, medical, nutrition, entrepreneurial and continuing education services — all benefits players earned.

Continue reading “Zamir Cobb, Steelers Wide Receiver, 2004”


Barry Foster, Steelers Running Back, 1990-1994


First, can you let readers know what you are doing with yourself these days, and how you got involved?

I’m here in Dallas, Texas – I’m a middle-school physical education teacher. I really like having the opportunity to work with younger athletes – to help influence them to stay fit physically and be competitive in whatever sport they choose.

What coaches and coaching lessons did you find yourself falling back on as a coach?

I had great coaches all throughout my time playing football. High school, college, and the NFL. I just wanted to have them me the best that their ability can give me. I have to remind myself that these aren’t high school or college kids. I have to be realistic in what they can and can’t do and help them to compete at the level they are at. Some never competed at an organized level before, so I’m just asking them to give me they best they can give.

Continue reading “Barry Foster, Steelers Running Back, 1990-1994”


Richard Huntley, Steelers Running Back, 1998-2000


First, can you let readers know about your post-NFL career. Tell us how you get started and why?

Well,  since I left football I got remarried and had two kids – two little girls. So, I’m taking care of my family.

I started coaching high school football – that was big for me, getting back to doing what I did for most of my life – football. I like teaching kids – showing them how to take advantage of opportunities -that all you want is possible. I’m living proof.

I’m also doing a lot of personal training here as well in the Charlotte area. That keeps me real busy too so now I have to decide whether I want to do that more or stay in coaching. I love working with the kids though so I probably will look to keep coaching.

Continue reading “Richard Huntley, Steelers Running Back, 1998-2000”


Noah Herron, Steelers Running Back, 2005


First, can you let readers know what you are up to these days and how you got started in this new career?

I am currently working for an Industrial Supply company called Grainger.  I am a Territory Sales Rep and I have about 500 accounts in my package.  I actually was contacted by a recruiter for Grainger, we had an initial conversation and then moved through the interview process.  I believe the Lord brought that job to me as I praying about which direction I should go in my next career.

Continue reading “Noah Herron, Steelers Running Back, 2005”


Nick Eason, Steelers Defensive Lineman, 2007-2010


First, can you let readers know about your post-NFL career plans. Tell us how and why you get started as a coach and how Tennessee differs from other organizations you’ve been involved with?

I just really retired – my last year playing was 2013 – hasn’t even been a complete year yet. I saw an opportunity to sign up for the Bill Walsh Minority Coaching Program and applied to three teams – Pittsburgh, Arizona, and Cleveland. I was excited to be selected by Cleveland and in August I was brought in for two weeks, I’m the type of guy that will give you my all and work hard – go above and beyond. I worked hard and was computer savvy too – I could draw up the plays on the software they used and they liked that. They asked me to stay another two weeks after the first two weeks of the program ended. I helped coach the defensive line and the other defensive coaches. It was a great learning experience.

Continue reading “Nick Eason, Steelers Defensive Lineman, 2007-2010”


Scott Campbell, Steelers Quarterback, 1984-1986


First, can you let readers know about your career at Brownstone -how you got started in this post-NFL venture? 

I started in the real estate business full time in 1993 after my football career ended.  I went to work for my father in law as a sales person for Brownstone Real Estate Company in Hershey, PA and became his partner in the development business.  While we developed several residential communities I worked as a sales person for 14 years.  In 2007 my brother in law and I took over full control of Brownstone after my father in law’s retirement.  We still run Brownstone today where we enjoy a number one position for market share in our area.  We also have three large developments in various stages of completion at this time.

Continue reading “Scott Campbell, Steelers Quarterback, 1984-1986”


Oliver Ross, Steelers Offensive Lineman, 2000-2004


First, can you let readers know about your post-NFL career – how you get started and why?

My second year in Pittsburgh I started thinking about my future after my NFL career, you always hear veterans players say, “football doesn’t last forever so take advantage of it while you can”. I took note to their advice and started buying real estate. My second  year is when I bought my first rental property in California . I didn’t own a house because I would spend very little time there. So one lead to two then three so I ended up with 8 properties between California and Arizona  ranging from single family homes duplexes and four-plex units.

I also received my Certification as an Emergency Medical Technician two years ago while volunteering for the Glendale and Phoenix fire departments in Arizona. Currently, I volunteer as a coach at a local junior college and high school in Los Angeles.

Continue reading “Oliver Ross, Steelers Offensive Lineman, 2000-2004”
